Design and evaluation of multimodal learning resources in blended teaching of college English
Vol 9, Issue 7, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 360 (Abstract) 113 (PDF)
Higher Education (HE) is transforming towards embracing global pedagogical standards, particularly emphasizing student-centered learning models. In conjunction with these progressive initiatives, the incorporation of the Internet is aimed at enhancing course flexibility for both university instructors and students. Blended Learning (BL), a synthesis of online and face-to-face instruction, emerges as a methodology capable of leveraging the advantages inherent in both traditional classroom learning and online learning environments. The research being examined discovers the HE sector's application of globally recognized educational ethics and student-focused teaching. Online access has better-quality course flexibility. This type of education, which participates in classroom teaching with Online Education (OE), is being verified for communication skills. The research uses Moodle and a predictable informative setting to deal with several modes of education. The 49 HE pupils shared in a pre and post-test. Combining teaching improves communication skills, increasing the relationship between students and educators for a more practical education practice.
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