After the pandemic subsides: The impact of motivation for vaccination and attitude toward COVID-19 vaccination certificate toward tourists’ travel intention
Vol 9, Issue 7, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 631 (Abstract) 172 (PDF)
The COVID-19 pandemic has limited human mobility, including in matters of vacation. Governments in many countries require their citizens to vaccinate to reduce patients and deaths from COVID-19. On the other hand, the government also provides concessions to residents who want to travel if they have received vaccinations. This study examines the factors that influence the intention of tourists to travel during the pandemic. The predictor factors used in this study were motivation for COVID-19 vaccination, perception of COVID-19, travel risk perception, and attitude toward COVID-19 vaccination certificate. We conducted this study in a city on the island of Java, Indonesia. This study’s data collection used an online questionnaire, and participants were selected using a convenient sampling method. In total, there were 212 participants involved. The data were processed using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modelling. As a result, motivation for COVID-19 vaccination and travel risk perception significantly affected the attitude toward COVID-19 vaccination certificates. Besides, travel risk perception greatly influenced travel intention after the pandemic subsides. This study deepens the field of tourism marketing and health marketing.
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