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Intimate partner violence and its psychosocial correlates among male survivors: The socio-ecological implications

Emmanuel Rowlands

Article ID: 2567
Vol 9, Issue 7, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 348 (Abstract) 76 (PDF)


Previous research on the psychosocial correlates of intimate partner violence (IPV) among men has predominantly focused on clinical disorders such as depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. Little is known about the socio-ecological implications of IPV on male survivors. This article examines how nonclinical stressors, such as expectations to perform masculinity and shame of non-performance, intersect with clinical disorders to cause profound suffering in male survivors. Consequently, the article argues that socio-ecological interactions facilitate stressors, culminating in detrimental consequences of IPV for male survivors’ psychosocial well-being. By examining the qualitative experiences of 25 African male survivors of IPV and the perspectives of five key informants working with IPV victims in Johannesburg, this article emphasizes the importance of considering both clinical and nonclinical factors in understanding the psychosocial impacts of IPV on male survivors. The findings support the need for appropriate interventions that address pervasive societal ideologies that further facilitate stress on male survivors’ well-being.


intimate partner violence; psychosocial correlates; socio-ecological interactions; male survivors

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