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Development of marketing management for pomelo products in Samut Songkhram province, Thailand

Ekgnarong Vorasiha, Hathaipan Soonthornpipit, Pannawat Chuvichian, Phachok Lertasawaphat, Kassamara Sornsawan, Majid Khan

Article ID: 2583
Vol 9, Issue 7, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 398 (Abstract) 120 (PDF)


The study presents a comprehensive examination of the market potential for Pomelo products in Samut Songkhram Province, Thailand, aiming to enhance marketing management strategies. It delves into consumer motivations, attitudes, and purchasing intentions towards Pomelo products, utilizing structural equation modeling to assess influencing factors. Samut Songkhram is identified as a prime region for Pomelo cultivation due to its unique river estuary soil enriched with minerals, creating a distinct taste profile influenced by a mix of saltwater, brackish water, and freshwater, dubbed the three-water area. This geographical and environmental advantage contributes to the high quality and consumer preference for the large white Pomelo variety indigenous to the area.

The study explores two primary agricultural practices for growing large white Pomelos: self-cultivation by landowners and orchard leasing by other farmers. Additionally, it investigates two main distribution methods: direct sales at the farm and self-managed sales by farmers or orchard owners. A quantitative analysis involving 400 potential customers, including tourists and out-of-area customers, was conducted to gauge purchase intentions.

Results from structural equation modeling indicate a significant and positive relationship between consumer motivations, attitudes, and purchase intentions, underlining the integrated influence of these factors on consumer behavior towards Pomelo products. These findings highlight the critical role of understanding consumer dynamics and the environmental uniqueness of Samut Songkhram’s Pomelos in developing targeted marketing strategies. The research underscores the significance of leveraging the unique characteristics and cultivation heritage of Samut Songkhram Pomelos to foster product differentiation and appeal, suggesting a need for innovative marketing approaches that resonate with the distinct quality and taste profiles of these local fruits.


development; marketing management; pomelo products; Samut Songkhram province

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