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Unveiling ethical challenges: An in-depth analysis of unethical behavior in Albanian preschool education

Gerda Sula, Skerdi Zahaj, Blerta Bodinaku

Article ID: 2602
Vol 9, Issue 7, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 388 (Abstract) 89 (PDF)


Background: The study delves into the prevalence and severity of unethical behavior among educators and parents in Albanian early childhood education institutions, a topic previously unexplored.

Objective: The research aims to identify the most common unethical behaviors among educators and parents, understand the primary determinants of unethical behavior in preschool settings, and provide recommendations for policy development in Albanian public preschools to improve ethical norms.

Settings: The study was conducted in Albanian early childhood education institutions, focusing on both educators and parents as key stakeholders.

Methods: A comprehensive analysis was undertaken, utilizing questionnaires administered to educators and parents, drawing on codes of ethical behavior and thematic analysis to identify and categorize unethical behaviors. Statistical analysis using SPSS was employed to derive insights from the data.

Results: Findings revealed a notable discrepancy between educators' and parents' perceptions of unethical behavior, with guardians reporting higher frequencies of unethical conduct. The most prevalent unethical behaviors included unequal treatment of children, favoritism, and use of punishment by educators, while parents commonly violated norms such as disrespecting educators and encouraging physical aggression in children.

Conclusion: The study underscores the importance of addressing unethical behavior in Albanian preschool settings through enhanced awareness, training, and policy interventions. Strategies to foster better communication between educators and parents, improve professional standards, and combat discrimination are imperative for creating a more ethical environment conducive to positive child development.


breach of behavior; preschool education; Albania; values education; policy implications

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