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Shaping identities beyond the classroom: The influence of journal editorship on Vietnamese EFL lecturers’ professional development

Hong Hieu Hua, Hoang Yen Phuong, Thanh Thao Le

Article ID: 2612
Vol 9, Issue 6, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 285 (Abstract) 144 (PDF)


This qualitative study investigates the impact of journal editorship on the professional identity of Vietnamese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) lecturers. Situated within the unique context of Vietnam’s rapidly evolving EFL educational landscape, the research aims to uncover how the role of a journal editor influences lecturers’ professional self-perception and practices. The study employs a qualitative design, utilizing semi-structured interviews with two Vietnamese EFL lecturers—one male with one year of experience and one female with three years of experience as journal editors. Thematic analysis is used to analyze the data. Four key themes emerge from the study: enhanced professional efficacy, navigating challenges and resilience, expanding professional networks and influence, and integrating global and local perspectives. These themes collectively illustrate the transformative role of journal editorship in shaping professional identities, highlighting increased self-efficacy, resilience, expanded professional networks, and the integration of global and local EFL teaching methodologies.


influence; journal editorship; professional development; professional identity; Vietnamese EFL lecturers

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