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The mediating effect of dispositional flow in the relationship between individual factors and satisfaction of performance: A comparison of competitive and recreational athletes

Silvia Platania, Martina Morando, Maria Luisa Giancaspro, Stefania Valeria Gruttadauria, Claudio Maggio, Marcello Boccadamo, Giuseppe Vercelli

Article ID: 2623
Vol 10, Issue 1, 2025, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 34 (Abstract) 10 (PDF)


Coaches and sportsmen and women have long paid more attention to individual factors that predispose to sports practice and how they are able to affect performance, both in training and during competitive performance. Despite this, to date, very little research has analyzed the relationship between individual variables such as sense of self-efficacy, personality factors and flow status and investigated their possible implications. The aim of the present work is to verify through the comparison of two different samples (competitive athletes and practitioners) the possible relationship and difference between these variables. The research participants were 425 (male 162, female 263) The research participants practice various types of sports (volleyball, football, tennis, swimming, dance, etc.), among them 43.5% practice sports at competitive. Participants were recruited in specific sports centers. The results confirm the indirect effect of the Flow state between antecedents and outcomes, and they confirm that there are differences between those who engage in competitive sports and those at the amateur level. The study reveals significant practical implications regarding the effect produced by the flow state during performance, and this effect is enhanced when the motivations of those seeking to achieve the goal are stronger.


personality traits; self-efficacy; state flow; multigroup analysis; competitive and recreational athletes

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Copyright (c) 2025 Silvia Platania, Martina Morando, Maria Luisa Giancaspro, Stefania Valeria Gruttadauria, Claudio Maggio, Marcello Boccadamo, and Giuseppe Vercelli

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