Problem-solving skills of Sulu State College freshmen students in flexible learning education: An assessment
Vol 9, Issue 7, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 532 (Abstract) 236 (PDF)
The pandemic has prompted the adoption of online, modular, and blended learning modalities, emphasizing the importance of integrating these in daily teaching and learning processes. Problem-solving skills, considered crucial for 21st-century decision-making, are also essential. This study aimed to analyze the level of problem-solving skills of the freshmen college students in Sulu State College in (i) modular learning, (ii) online learning, and (iii) blended learning. Purposive sampling was used to sample A questionnaire adapted from related studies was used to elicit quantitative data using a 5-point modified Likert Scale. The freshmen college students were randomly sampled (n=119) from six schools in the college. Findings indicated that freshmen college students at Sulu State College demonstrated high competence in problem-solving across three learning modalities. Each modality offered unique benefits that effectively enhanced the students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. In modular learning, students felt confident in managing math problems independently highlighting the empowerment and self-learning capacity inherent in this approach. Online learning also proved effective, with students showing high competence in problem-solving because of flexibility and accessibility. Blended learning was particularly beneficial, with students reporting the highest levels of competence because it enhanced engagement, creativity, and problem-solving skills by providing a comprehensive and flexible learning experience.
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