Behavior shift through non-traditional math teaching strategies integrating real-life transactions for non-math enthusiasts
Vol 9, Issue 7, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 502 (Abstract) 199 (PDF)
This qualitative research explored how non-traditional teaching strategics encouraged non-math enthusiasts to engage in learning mathematics. The study purposively sampled ten (10) language majors from the College of Education and ten (10) hospitality management students. Through participatory and practical learning sessions, participants were encouraged to apply mathematical principles in a context that was significant to and meaningful to their everyday lives. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of these innovative strategies in fostering a positive attitude among students and increasing their understanding of the real-world applications of mathematics. Interviews found out that non-math enthusiasts were not engaging in learning mathematics because of several reasons i.e., negative experience, perceived difficulty, perceived relevance, frustration. However, they also believed that developing non-traditional teaching strategies like interactive teaching methods and real-life problem applications can improve student’s confidence and engagements in learning mathematics. The findings of the research might have an impact on teaching techniques and approaches intended to raise mathematical literacy across a range of demographic populations.
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