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Communicative strategies applied by nursing students to induce participatory behavior of community clientele for related learning experience

Magna Anissa A. Hayudini, Ayesha P. Warid-Sahial, Ledina P. Warid, Arzimar P. Sahial, Nhurridah J. Ibrahim, Amira A. Amja, Nurshaima Ensanah Tarabasa

Article ID: 2710
Vol 10, Issue 1, 2025, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 66 (Abstract) 14 (PDF)


The value of practical experience in nursing education cannot be emphasized. In order for nursing students to advance their knowledge and abilities, they must interact with actual clients. But getting community clients to participate can be a difficult endeavor. This study will investigate the communication techniques used by nursing students in Jolo, Sulu to persuade members of the community to take part in educational activities. Establishing rapport and trust with clients is one important tactic. Students may make the learning environment secure and comfortable by building healthy relationships. Good communication is also essential since students need to answer any worries or inquiries that clients may have as well as properly explain the goal of their interactions. Client participation and investment in the learning process might rise when they are included in decision-making procedures. The study's respondents consisted of twenty (20) nursing students who were involved in community engagement or Community Organizing Participatory Action Research (COPAR). Through feedback solicitation and client input incorporation, nursing students can customize their approach to better serve their patients' needs.


hands-on experience; nursing; community; trust; challenging task; strategies; learning experiences

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Copyright (c) 2025 Magna Anissa A. Hayudini, Ayesha P. Warid-Sahial, Ledina P. Warid, Arzimar P. Sahial, Nhurridah J. Ibrahim, Amira A. Amja, Nurshaima Ensanah Tarabasa

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