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Correlation of the technical subjects teachers burnout syndrome incidence level on the geographical teacher action in a specific region of Slovakia
Katerina Bockova
DTI University
Dáša Porubčanová
DTI University
David Anthony Procházka
University of New York in Prague
Roman Gawrych
University of Social and Economics in Gdańsk
Keywords: Burnout syndrome, teacher, technical subjects, self-governing region, Slovakia.
The presented paper discusses the incidence of burnout syndrome among secondary school teachers of technical subjects. Teachers experience burnout syndrome to an increased extent, especially with certain variables. The main goal of the paper is to map the level of burnout syndrome, specifically of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal satisfaction among teachers of technical subjects. Specifically, we analysed the incidence of burnout among technical subjects in the context of all self-governing regions of Slovakia. The research sample consisted of 213 technical subject teachers working at secondary vocational schools of primarily technical orientation in various self-governing regions of Slovakia. Data collection was carried out using the MBI-ES online questionnaire. Statistical analyses were used to evaluate the results of the questionnaire survey. The results show that teachers of technical subjects experience burnout to a moderate degree, statistical significance is observed in the degree of burnout, specifically in the factor of personal satisfaction, in connection with teachers acting in different self-governing regions of Slovakia.
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