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‘Heavy’ life satisfaction: Unveiling the intricate relationships between obesity and well-being in Abu Dhabi

Masood Badri, Mugheer Alkhaili, Hamad Aldhaheri, Saad Yaqeib, Guang Yang, Muna Albahar, Asma Alrashdi

Article ID: 2765
Vol 9, Issue 7, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 3355 (Abstract) 177 (PDF)


The study investigates the intricate relationship between obesity and well-being among residents in Abu Dhabi. Obesity is recognized as a significant public health concern worldwide, with potential implications for individuals' overall well-being. Understanding the complex associations between obesity and various aspects of well-being is essential for developing effective interventions to promote healthier lifestyles and improve overall quality of life. The research employs path analysis to explore the direct associations between obesity and multiple well-being indicators. Data is collected from residents in Abu Dhabi, focusing on subjective health, subjective mental health, life satisfaction, physical exercise, and satisfaction with social relationships. Path analysis allows for a comprehensive examination of the relationships between obesity and well-being indicators, providing valuable insights into the potential impacts of obesity on individuals' overall well-being. The path model reveals significant direct associations between self-perceived obesity and various well-being indicators. Specifically, obesity demonstrates direct impacts on life satisfaction, subjective mental health, subjective health, physical exercise, and satisfaction with social relationships. Notably, obesity is negatively associated with life satisfaction (-0.017) but positively associated with mental health (0.111), albeit within a negatively framed context. This suggests that obesity may adversely affect mental health despite its positive association. The findings underscore the complexity of the relationship between obesity and well-being among residents in Abu Dhabi. While obesity negatively impacts life satisfaction, it paradoxically shows a positive association with mental health, albeit within a negatively framed context. These results emphasize the importance of addressing obesity as part of efforts to promote overall well-being and improve quality of life among residents in Abu Dhabi. Future interventions should focus on promoting healthier lifestyles and addressing the psychological impacts of obesity to enhance residents' overall well-being and happiness.


obesity; well-being; path analysis; life satisfaction; mental health; Abu Dhabi

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