Unfolding the consequences of customer satisfaction: Information from social media as a moderator
Vol 9, Issue 7, 2024, Article identifier:
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The present study examines the relationship between customer satisfaction and eWOM, value co-creation, and repurchase intentions. It also tested the moderating effect of information from social media. A conceptual model was developed, and hypotheses were tested using hierarchical regression. The sample of participants in the present study was limited to those who had extensive experience with online shopping, read product or service reviews frequently, and shared them online. We have received data from 455 respondents. The study's empirical findings expose that customer satisfaction is positively and significantly related to eWOM, value co-creation, and repurchase intention. The study also revealed that social media information moderates the relationship between customer satisfaction, value co-creation, and repurchase intention.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.59429/esp.v9i7.2821
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