Towards inclusive education: A simulation study on improving the education experience of Children with Special Needs (CSN) in inclusive schools in South Kalimantan
Vol 9, Issue 7, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 410 (Abstract) 235 (PDF)
Education is an essential part of the nation's life, and everyone has the right to get an education, including children with special needs and people with disabilities. Children with Special Needs (CSN) experience longstanding physical, intellectual, mental, or sensory limitations that make them different from ordinary people. This study aims to present the best system for children with special needs in inclusive schools in South Kalimantan using the Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) model, which highlights cause-and-effect relationships between system components, as illustrated in the diagram. This research adopts a System Dynamics approach focusing on understanding the behavioral implications emerging from existing structures and uses Powersim software as an instrumental tool. The results showed that the increase in the number of Special Assistance Teachers (SAT) and the increase in individual facilities and programs for Children with Special Needs (CSN) in South Kalimantan increased the number of CSN attending inclusive schools by 8% to 6,387 the following year. This is due to the average of one SAT accompanying one CSN, so the system implemented has succeeded in improving the quality of inclusive education for CSN.
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