Mindset shift of agriculture college students on the importance of agriculture: Initial impression and actual learning
Vol 10, Issue 1, 2025, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 127 (Abstract) 20 (PDF)
A mindset shift is a profound transformation in an individual's beliefs, attitudes, and cognitive frameworks. It involves a reevaluation of one's assumptions, leading to a new way of interpreting and interacting with the world. This shift is not merely a change in perspective but a deeper restructuring of how a person understands a particular concept or situation. This exploratory paper analyzed the phenomenon of mindset shift among agriculture-oriented course in ZAMBASULTA. College students (n=30) were purposively sampled to be interviewed in this study. Themes were extracted from the interview narratives. This study observed a significant shift in the mindsets of agricultural and biosystems engineering students after enrolling in the program. Initially, many students viewed agriculture as a fallback profession for those without higher education, expressing skepticism about the field's value. However, after exposure to the program, their perspectives shifted towards a more positive and informed outlook. They began to appreciate the complexity of agriculture, its critical role in the economy, and the importance of technology, quality, and innovation in advancing the sector. Students' language also reflected this change, as they began to use terms that showed greater respect for farmers and the agricultural industry, highlighting how the program developed a deeper understanding and appreciation of the field. The findings might have direct application on educational strategies aimed at promoting agriculture-related programs, helping to reshape students' perceptions and attract more young people into the field. By understanding how mindset shifts occur through exposure and hands-on learning, educators and policymakers can design curricula that emphasize the importance of agriculture in national development and global sustainability.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.59429/esp.v10i1.3070
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Copyright (c) 2025 Ellen M. Gervacio, Erwin F. Delos Reyes, Magna Anissa A. Hayudini, Nedzfa Abdurahman Ahajani, Neriza J. Kiram, Abey K. Sobrepeña, Rasmalyn Sarahan Samla, Muksidal L. Hasim

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