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Communication climate and organizational climate as predictors of job satisfaction of State University employees in Eastern Visayas, Philippines

Jannel C. Alviola

Article ID: 3112
Vol 9, Issue 11, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 234 (Abstract) 8 (PDF)


Job satisfaction in higher education is crucial as it directly influences both the effectiveness and the overall well-being of employees, which in turn affects the quality of education provided. Satisfied faculty and staff are more likely to exhibit higher levels of engagement, motivation, and commitment, which enhances their teaching performance, research productivity, and interactions with students. This paper identified variables that can predict the job satisfaction of state university employees in Eastern Visayas, Philippines using stepwise regression analysis. Stratified sampling selected participants from eight state universities in Eastern Visayas—four in Leyte, three in Samar, and one in Biliran. The study found that both communication and organizational climate significantly influenced job satisfaction among state university employees in Eastern Visayas, Philippines. Job satisfaction was positively associated with rank, indicating that employees in higher positions reported greater satisfaction, and it was also influenced by age, with younger employees tending to experience more stress and burnout. The universities exhibited a positive communication climate. This was characterized by effective communication practices and organizational integration, which enhanced job satisfaction, collaboration, and overall organizational participation. These findings suggest that having a supportive organizational environment, particularly through effective communication and inclusive practices, can enhance employee satisfaction.


communication climate; organizational climate; job satisfaction; state university

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