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Consumer behavior in art management: The perspective of social psychology

Ruxiao Yang

Article ID: 3127
Vol 10, Issue 1, 2025, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 65 (Abstract) 22 (PDF)


This study explores consumer behavior in art management through a social psychological perspective, focusing on cultural variations, digital transformation, and regulatory impacts. Employing a mixed-methods approach, we analyzed data from 1,500 art consumers across major global markets. Our findings reveal distinct psychographic profiles and regional differences in art consumption patterns. Western markets prioritize aesthetic value (β = 0.58) while Asian markets emphasize investment potential (β = 0.63) and social prestige (β = 0.52). Digital platform adoption varies significantly, with Asian markets showing 85% engagement compared to 62% in Western markets. Markets with comprehensive regulatory frameworks demonstrated 45% higher online art sales, and intellectual property protection strongly correlated with market growth (r = 0.68). Social media significantly influences art discovery and purchases, though its impact varies across cultural contexts. Policy environments, particularly tax and digital transaction regulations, substantially affect market development. This research contributes to understanding evolving consumer behavior in the digital age across different cultural contexts and offers practical implications for developing culturally sensitive art market strategies and supportive regulatory frameworks.


art management; consumer behavior; social psychology; digital transformation; cultural differences; regulatory framework; social media; art investment; market segmentation

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