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Analysis of influential factors on academic integrity of college students in Hefei

Yongnian Cao, Ali Khatibi, Jacquline Tham

Article ID: 3134
Vol 10, Issue 1, 2025, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 166 (Abstract) 82 (PDF)


This study aims to investigate the factors contributing to academic cheating behavior among university students at a university in Hefei, Anhui. The author randomly selected 165 ordinary students (60 males and 105 females) from different majors, including accounting, finance, and architecture, and the data was collected through a primary survey. The survey results indicate that although most respondents perceive the seriousness of cheating behavior, they still choose to engage in cheating, which is thought-provoking. Today's university students are tomorrow's employees, and the moral values they adhere to influence their behavior. It is essential to make all students aware of the reality of academic integrity on campus and the consequences of violating academic ethical standards. Based on this purpose, the researcher conducted a factor analysis of the influencing factors that contribute to this situation.


Academic Integrity; Hefei; Anhui; higher education; factor analysis

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