Gauging psychological capital and service climate on job performance: Case analysis of a two-star hotel in Zamboanga City, Philippines
Vol 9, Issue 11, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 268 (Abstract) 42 (PDF)
The Philippine hotel industry has experienced steady growth, driven by increasing demand from both domestic and international travelers who visit the country for leisure, business, and events. The rise in demand for accommodations, along with the expansion of luxury and budget hotel chains, reflects the dynamic nature and its significant contribution to the Philippine economy. As tourism continues to flourish, the hotel industry is expected to develop an environment that encourages motivation and positive interaction within its organizations. This paper analyzed the psychological capital and service climate of a two-star hotel and how these factors relate to employee job performance. Stratified sampling (n=115) was carried out to sample the participants from different departments of the hotel. Descriptive analysis indicated that the employees were generally engaged at work, while being generally good in meeting the demands of their workplace. However, there was no significant relationship between psychological capital and job performance, as well as service climate and job performance of the employees. Further analysis is necessary to determine what other factors can be linked to the job performance of the hotel employees. Apparently, hotels can implement targeted strategies to strengthen the organizational culture and improve employee engagement, such as providing more autonomy, offering continuous skills development, and having open communication channels.
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