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Preparedness confidence and challenges on disaster management among tourism establishments in Zamboanga City, Philippines

Marlon Dennis C. Ochoa

Article ID: 3139
Vol 9, Issue 11, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 188 (Abstract) 19 (PDF)


The tourism industry is extensively vulnerable to the impacts of disasters, both natural and man-made, which can significantly disrupt travel patterns and economic stability. In the face of such challenges, the tourism sector must prioritize disaster risk reduction and management strategies to enhance resilience. This mixed-method paper discussed the disaster preparedness confidence and challenges of tourism establishments in Zamboanga City, Philippines. The managers and owners of hotels and resorts were purposively sampled to be surveyed (n=22) and interviewed (n=7). The findings reveal that the tourism establishments in Zamboanga City were generally confident in their disaster preparedness, particularly for natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, landslides, and fires. This confidence was demonstrated through safety measures such as warning devices, emergency kits, safety signages, and evacuation areas. However, the study also showed a lack of confidence in areas related to employee training and comprehensive evacuation planning. Managers acknowledged that their training programs were often inadequate or outdated, which limits their overall disaster readiness. Despite the high perceived confidence, overconfidence could lead to complacency, as some managers admitted neglecting thorough risk assessments and updated protocols, potentially leaving critical vulnerabilities unaddressed.


disaster management; disaster preparedness; tourism

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