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Integrating Gen Z perspectives in industry-aligned curriculum design

Abdel J. Amilhamja

Article ID: 3197
Vol 10, Issue 1, 2025, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 55 (Abstract) 21 (PDF)


This study explores the integration of Generation Z (Gen Z) perspectives in designing industry-aligned curricula that are both relevant and future-ready. The research aims to identify the essential insights and values that Gen Z graduates contribute to curriculum development and to understand how their unique learning preferences, skills, and expectations shape the design of educational content. The study employed a qualitative approach, utilizing one-on-one interviews with college graduates aged 23-27 who are currently employed. Reflexive thematic analysis was conducted to analyze the data obtained from purposive sampling. Participants were asked about their experiences with current educational curricula, the alignment of their skills with industry needs, and their views on how technology influences learning and curriculum expectations. The findings highlight the critical role of adapting curricula to include Gen Z’s preferences and skills, ensuring that future programs remain aligned with industry demands and prepare students for success in the evolving job market.


Gen Z; perspectives; industry-aligned; curriculum design; integration

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