Multiple capable guardianship and workplace cyberbullying: A mediating moderating study in Vietnam
Vol 10, Issue 1, 2025, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 23 (Abstract) 10 (PDF)
Purpose – This study investigated the impact of multiple capable guardianship to academic staff’s workplace cyberbullying under the mediation of emotional intelligence and moderation of power and control.
Design/methodology/approach – 406 questionnaires from academic staffs working in different universities in Vietnam were collected. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the data.
Findings – Results indicate that cyberbullying in the university workplace can be reduced by implementing mechanisms of multiple capable guardianship. Furthermore, the mediation role of emotional intelligence and moderation roles of power and control were statistically confirmed by an empirical study, as recommended by previous authors.
Originality/Value –The study found that multiple capable guardianship has positive impact in preventing workplace cyberbullying, unethical online routine activities of employees. This relationship is changed significantly when academic staffs have strong emotional intelligence and perceived power and control.
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