A review of WMSU-CCSPE response to sports injuries through socio-ecological perspectives
Vol 10, Issue 1, 2025, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 43 (Abstract) 14 (PDF)
When an individual sustains an injury during sports, the manner in which the injury is managed has a direct impact on the recovery process and the athlete’s long-term well-being. Immediate actions, such as ceasing the activity, administering first aid, and stabilizing the injury, are essential in preventing further harm. Hence, it is essential to implement effective sports injury response strategies to protect the well-being of student-athletes participating in college sports programs. This mixed-methods paper explored the application of socio-ecological model (SEM) in understanding the response mechanisms of college students toward sports-related injuries. Students from Western Mindanao State University (WMSU) College of Sports Science and Physical Education (CCSPE) were conveniently sampled (n=60) to be interviewed about their experiences and perceptions regarding sports injury response in the campus. The findings indicated that an individual’s immediate emotional reaction, such as fear, anxiety, or empathy, influenced their decision-making process during an injury event. The responses at the intrapersonal level also involved an individual’s ability to manage their emotions and remain composed in high-stress environments, which directly impacted their ability to take effective action, such as alerting appropriate personnel for help or assisting the injured individual in the best possible way. The interpersonal level extended beyond the individual, emphasizing the importance of external relationships, such as those with peers, teammates, coaches, and family members. These social connections were key determinants in shaping behaviors during emergencies, as individuals often relied on the support, guidance, and reassurance of others when responding to crises. Sports organizations and educational institutions were responsible for implementing safety protocols, training athletes and staff on how to respond to injuries, and ensuring the availability of medical resources such as first-aid kits or emergency medical personnel. Finally, policies that mandated injury prevention programs, established safety standards for sports equipment, and enforced protocols for handling injuries contributed to shaping how individuals perceived and responded to risks in sports. Recognizing the influence of multiple levels—individual, interpersonal, organizational, and policy—on injury response, this approach highlighted the need for a comprehensive, multi-contextual strategy to enhance the effectiveness of injury prevention and response systems.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.59429/esp.v10i1.3268
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