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Balancing the burden: How job crafting and technological self-efficacy buffer the effect of AI awareness on emotional exhaustion in hotel enterprises?

Wagih M. E. Salama, Hazem Ahmed Khairy, Rania Elsayed Ibrahim Abouelenien, Tamer Mohamed Abdel Ghani Ibrahim, Mohamed Ahmed Suliman, Hassan Hassan Kamel AbdElhay Elsokkary

Article ID: 3373
Vol 10, Issue 1, 2025, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 46 (Abstract) 15 (PDF)


The integration of AI in hotel enterprises presents both opportunities and challenges. While AI has the potential to automate tasks, increase efficiency, and enhance guest experiences, it may also raise concerns that could negatively impact employees. This paper, grounded in the Job Demands-Resources Model and the Technology Acceptance Model, examines the effect of AI awareness on emotional exhaustion, with a focus on the moderating roles of job crafting and technological self-efficacy in the context of hotel enterprises. To test the hypothesized model, 388 responses from full-time employees working in five-star hotels were analyzed using a PLS-SEM approach. The results revealed a positive correlation between AI awareness and emotional exhaustion. Additionally, the relationship between AI awareness and emotional exhaustion is moderated by technological self-efficacy and job crafting. This research deepens our understanding of how employees in high-contact service industries can adapt to digital transformation while maintaining their well-being. The findings offer valuable insights for hotel management, HR professionals, and policymakers to help support employees in addressing the psychological challenges tied to AI adoption. Moreover, the study emphasizes the role of job crafting and technological self-efficacy in reducing emotional exhaustion, encouraging positive adaptation to AI, and ensuring successful technology integration while prioritizing employee well-being in the hospitality industry.


artificial intelligence adoption; psychological challenges; employee responses; five-star hotels

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Copyright (c) 2025 Wagih M. E. Salama, Hazem Ahmed Khairy, Rania Elsayed Ibrahim Abouelenien, Tamer Mohamed Abdel Ghani Ibrahim, Mohamed Ahmed Suliman, and Hassan Hassan Kamel AbdElhay Elsokkary

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