Exploring the role of AI in shaping social behavior: An Intersectional psychological perspective on financial risk assessment through digital platforms
Vol 10, Issue 1, 2025, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 9 (Abstract) 1 (PDF)
Artificial intelligence analytics in digital finance platforms is important in the modern digital world. AI can conduct analytics quickly and provide the outcomes for the system users to make informed, data-driven conclusions. AI can scan through large datasets and provide meaningful information on social media platforms, historical quantitative transactions, and finances to give critical findings, unlike traditional systems. This review article assessed previous research articles on financial risk evaluation using AI analytics in the finance industry and digital finance platforms. The outcomes outlined the capabilities of financial risks evaluated with the help of AI in digital finance platforms. The key identified risks were credit risks, market risks, operational risks, fraud risks, and compliance risks. The study outlined the key capabilities of AI in shielding firms against such risks through predictive analytics, anomaly detection, sentiment analysis, and credit scoring. The AI systems should be hosted on the cloud to have access to large datasets to give accurate, data-driven conclusions. The identified challenges are algorithm bias, data privacy, regulatory compliance (especially across platforms and countries), and skill gaps in the market. In conclusion, using AI in digital finance platforms has increased the efficiency in making informed decisions for sustainability and strategic growth.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.59429/esp.v10i1.3375
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