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Jungian psychology in a demanding modern world

Clarence St.Hilaire

Article ID: 678
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2019, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 1180 (Abstract) 3252 (PDF)


This article discusses Jungian psychology as a debated, and exclusionary field of psychology using Carl Jung’s influential work to provide light on analytical or environmental psychology, and to present the theoretical rapprochement between Jungian and Freudian theories[4].  A succinct look at the realm of analytical psychology is still pertinent looking at the role of environmental psychology considering several demands from the modern world. To position Jung in minority spheres, where most of his critics have seen expressions of discrimination, and anti-Semitism, the key principles of Jungian theories will be highlighted considering various researchers to ascertain whether there is limited knowledge for this mindful inquiry[2]. In terms of environmental psychology, Jung’s relevance is important to assess. The many perspectives espoused by Jungian advocates warrant further analysis and research, but are necessary to reflect on today’s societal needs for positive, environmental, humanistic psychology, and potential creation of the psyche as a social transformational tool in psychoanalysis.


Jungian psychology; environmental psychology: Freudian theories: minority researchers; social transformation.

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