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An Examination of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Among Individuals Who Identify As Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, And/or Transgender (LBGTQ)

Debra Mims, Rhondda Waddell

Article ID: 786
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2021, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 947 (Abstract) 373 (PDF)


A systematic review of literature published from 2006 to 2017 was conducted in order to examine intimate partner violence and sexual violence perpetrated against those individuals who identified as lesbian, bi-sexual, gay, and/or transgender (LBGT) and the challenges they faced from identifying as an LBGT individual.   Results of the literature findings indicated that LBGT individuals are exposed to childhood sexual abuse, adult sexual assaults, intimate partner violence and hate crimes at significantly higher rates when compared to the general population.  The examination of the literature revealed disproportionate rates of harassment, physical assaults, sexual assaults and intimate partner violence when compared to the general population.  In addition, individuals who identify as LBGT are substantially prone to internalization of their feelings, making them prone to post-traumatic stress (PTS), depression, anxiety, substance abuse and suicide. The lack of available support for the LBGT community leaves them feeling vulnerable and underserved. This research advocates for effective collaboration with social services with the aim of ensuring justice and equitable treatment for LBGT individuals.


Lesbian; Bi-sexual; Gay; Transsexual; LBGT Sexual Victimization; LBGT Violence

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