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Perspectives of Coaches On Alcohol Consumption Among Student -athletes In Kenya and Strategies For Control

Janet Musimbi M'mbaha, H. Mugala Bulinda

Article ID: 799
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2021, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 666 (Abstract) 331 (PDF)


Numerous studies have been conducted on alcohol and sports among student athletes focusing on the causes, consequence, and intervention measures. However, information is scarce about the perspectives of coaches on alcohol consumption among student athletes. This study examined knowledge and perspectives of coaches on alcohol use among student athletes. Sixty coaches (N-60) were purposively selected from public universities in Kenya.  A self-reported questionnaire was used to collect data. Findings indicate coaches to have lengthy experience in coaching and they were aware of alcohol consumption among student athletes. Student athletes consumed more alcohol off-season than during season. Senior students consumed more alcohol than the other students. Coaches lacked support of administrators in enforcing anti-alcohol policies. Education, counseling and benching the players were the commonly used intervention measures by coaches.


Alcohol; Coaches; Consumption; Perspectives; Student-athlete

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