Energy Use, Corporate Social Responsibility and Tourism: Most Outstanding Topics, Sources and Authors
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2020, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 362 (Abstract) 206 (PDF)
The concern for energy use and energy efficiency is a question of vital relevance and urgency in the current world. A search in Google Scholar with the term “energy use” produces more than 2 million results. If the search is restricted to the term “tourism,” more than 220,000 results are obtained and if we use together with the terms “energy use” and “corporate social responsibility” (CSR), we get more than 19,000 results. Nevertheless, the authors have been unable to identify scientific studies centered on the problem of energy use in the area of the tourist sector and CSR. The aim of this paper is to identify the most usual subjects or topics which appear in the scientific literature analyzed, evaluate the documentary sources that show a greater degree of presence and which can be considered as more relevant and influential and to point out who is the most relevant and prestigious authors who are currently writing about the topics considered.
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