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Conscious evolution, social development and environmental justice
Luke R Barnesmoore
Founder, Executive Director, Center for Critical Interdisciplinary Studies (CCIS)
Keywords: conscious evolution, social development, environmental justice, Modernism, Postmodernism, hegemony, emotion, truth, order
Moving from Barnesmoore’s (2016) theorization of humans as beings with the potential for conscious (epistemological) evolution, this article argues that a revolution in the ideas by which (‘world view’ in which) we conceive of potential practice must necessarily precede a revolution of academic and social practice (that theory necessarily precedes practice). Revolution must be rooted in revolutionary ideas and cannot be facilitated by practices that rise from (are rationalized within) the hegemonic essence (ideas, axioms and logics) of the regime against which revolution is being waged.
Author Biography
Luke R Barnesmoore, Founder, Executive Director, Center for Critical Interdisciplinary Studies (CCIS)
Department of Geography
University of British Columbia
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