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Capabilities, knowledge and skills of superior human resources through the competency of Tanjung Balai Karimun Port Employees, Riau Islands, Indonesia
Jon Kenedi
Faculty of Economics, University of Batam
Chablullah Wibisono
Faculty of Economics, University of Batam
Fitri Astriani
Faculty of Economics, University of Batam
Noviyanti Noviyanti
Faculty of Economics, University of Batam
Ihram Bani Syukur
Faculty of Economics, University of Batam
Keywords: capabilities, knowledge and skills for superior human resources, competence
The community complains about the service at the sea passenger port in Tanjungbalai Karimun because it is considered unfriendly to passengers. This port is the only entrance to The Tanjung Balai Karimun Port and was built decades ago. One complaint is the surly service. The number of respondents in this study was 300. With the Slovin formula, 172 samples were obtained. The analysis tool used the AMOS software version 24. The following results were obtained. The Capabilities’ influence on the Competence metric indicates a positive impact. A strong positive correlation exists between the Determination and Knowledge of Competence variables. In this case, the Skills vs. Competence outcome is overwhelmingly favorable. Knowledge has an excellent impact on the Superior Human Resources decision. In a highly encouraging turn of events, the Capabilities variable’s determination of the Superior Human Resources variable was found to be true—an optimistic but unimportant result from applying The Skills variable to the Superior Human Resources variable. Competence has a highly favourable effect on the Super Human Resources criterion. Competence on the job has a square correlation of 89.6%, whereas superior human resources correlate with 100.00%. The already significant factors are being kept that way, while the determination of the Skills variable on the Superior Human Resources team requires some work.
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