Vol. 9 No. 5 (2024)

Table of Contents

Open Access
Research Articles
by Nurkhalida Makmor, Khalilah Abd Hafiz, Aimi Anuar, Fahimi Sofian
2024,9(5);    1657 Views
Abstract Nowadays, the capability of live-streaming commerce has contributed to billions of income worldwide. Within a few hours of live-streaming, it has transformed the nascent of commercial value interaction into impulsive buying behaviour. Despites, the existing knowledge on this is unknown. This research seeks to understand the influence of para social interaction (PSI) in live-streaming shopping affects consumers impulsive buying in live-streaming platforms using the Stimulus Organism Response (SOR). A self-administrative questionnaire survey was conducted, and 335 valid responses are useable. The survey was validated by using Smart PLS technique to conduct direct and mediating effects. The result revealed that the relationships between social commerce, social presence, narrative involvement, parasocial interaction, and impulsive buying behaviour are significant. The parasocial interaction acts as mediation effect between the social factors, and impulsive buying on the live-streaming website. Based on the data analysed, the new proposed framework seems to be shaped very well. Despite the fact that, further extension and integration constructs, this study serves as a new contribution particularly in the live-streaming platforms area of studies.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Chao Ge, Wunhong Su
2024,9(5);    485 Views
Abstract The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China highlighted that “high-quality development is the primary task in building a modern socialist country comprehensively.” The development quality of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) plays a pivotal role in achieving the modernization of socialism in China. Against the backdrop of the state’s strong support for vocational education, the mechanism and pathway through which vocational education impacts the high-quality development of SMEs remain unclear and warrant further investigation. This study focuses on the theoretical mechanisms and real constraints of vocational education in aiding the high-quality development of SMEs. It explores the following areas: First, starting from the concept of high-quality development and the needs of SMEs, the study discusses the ideal orientation of talent cultivation in vocational education. Secondly, it delves into the pathway mechanism of how vocational education influences the high-quality development of SMEs and clarifies the crucial aspects of vocational education talent training. Finally, the study confronts the real issues faced in the development of vocational education and seeks possible solutions. The key to vocational education talent cultivation lies in how colleges and businesses achieve deep integration of industry and education and science and education. Strengthening the demand orientation of vocational education and promoting the structural match between vocational education talent cultivation and the talent needs of SMEs in high-quality development is crucial for enhancing the quality of talent cultivation in vocational education.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Ali Osman Uymaz, Pelin Uymaz, Yakup Akgül
2024,9(5);    2512 Views
Abstract The primary objective of this article is to investigate and forecast nurses’ attitudes toward using AI nurses for outpatients with chronic diseases. AI technology is used in hospitals in a disease-centric manner. However, it is desired by healthcare regulators to be used in an individual-centric and holistic manner. The research model was developed based on the Unified Theory of Accepting and Using Technology. In determining the causes and consequences of the attitudes, actions, ideas, and beliefs of the nurses, the screening technique of causal comparison was used. Research data was collected from registered nurses who work in research hospitals and use intelligent health technologies for inpatients. Based on 494 responses, this study conducted a dual-phase assessment using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling as well as the creation of an AI method known as deep learning (artificial neural network). According to the results, nurses are convinced that AI is a suitable tool for their nursing tasks and increases their efficiency and productivity. It has been determined that nurses have intentions to use AI nurses for outpatients with chronic diseases. However, nurses have concerns about the reliability of ambulatory patient data. The policies and strategies of regulators will affect the acceptance of AI technology, not only for nurses but for all healthcare professionals and patients.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Hussein Tarawneh, Haya Hussien Tarawneh, Mo’en Salman Alnasraween, Sami AlKhatatneh
2024,9(5);    724 Views
Abstract Women’s suffering after mastectomy presents physical and psychological challenges that require strength and resilience. Women who undergo breast removal, whether for breast cancer or other reasons, experience painful physical effects and changes in self-image. They face physical healing challenges, such as pain and swelling, but the psychological aspect is even more challenging. The study aimed to identify the relationship between body image and marital adjustment for a sample of married women with breast mastectomy. The study sample consisted of 130 married women with breast mastectomy and ranged between 28 and 60 years old. The researcher used two scales, one for body image and the other for marital adjustment. After assuring their psychometric properties, they were applied to the study sample. The results showed a statistically significant positive correlation between body image and marital adjustment. Furthermore, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the arithmetic means of body image and martial adjustment in favor of married women with breast mastectomy two years ago. In light of the results reached, the study recommended several recommendations, perhaps the most prominent of which are to work on breast self-examination since early detection of breast cancer doubles the chances of recovery. Supporting the psychological needs of mastectomies, such as the need for security, love, and self-esteem, and establishing psychological counseling centers in various parts of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to provide all psychological counseling and guidance services for mastectomies.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Nurul Shida, Sharifah Osman, Achmad Buchori
2024,9(5);    670 Views
Abstract Engineering students often face the challenge of comprehending and applying statistical concepts to evaluate and assess research. This research seeks to investigate the factor structure of Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale (STARs), which comprises six domains with 51 items. The questionnaire was administered to engineering students currently enrolled in a statistics class, and the data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The study sheds light on the factors that contribute to students’ statistics anxiety when taking a statistics course. The findings highlight the elements that influence statistics anxiety, educators and institutions can develop targeted interventions and support mechanisms to enhance students’ statistical competence and overall learning experience. This research not only addresses the unique challenges faced by engineering students but also holds implications for fostering statistical literacy across various disciplines.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Seyyede Fateme Rahimi, Zahra Hosseini, Fatemeh Salmani, Teamur Aghamolaee, Mohammad Reza Miri, Reza Dastjerdi, Murat Yıldırım
2024,9(5);    762 Views
Abstract Introduction: Work-life conflict has destructive effects on people’s lives and the well-being of societies. Considering the greater vulnerability of women to work-life conflict, the present study aimed to explore the predictors of work-life conflict in working women in Birjand, a city in the east of Iran. Methods: The present cross-sectional descriptive-analytical was conducted in 2022. The research population were women working at the University of Medical Sciences and Birjand University, evaluated using a two-part questionnaire (demographic, work-family conflict, Carlson). A cluster sampling method was used to select a representative sample from the research population. Besides descriptive statistics, a logistic regression model was used to measure the odds of work-life conflict among working women based on predictive variables. Results: The data analysis showed that participants with and without conflict significantly differed in terms of employment type, income, presence of a person needing care at home, physical health, marital status, level of education, type of university, and spouse’s job ( p < 0.05). The odds of work-life conflicts were higher in participants who had someone needing care at home (OR: 4.08) than those who had none. The odds of conflict were also higher among the married (OR = 2.57) than the single, and among those holding a diploma (OR: 0.320) and associate degree (OR: 0.406) than those with a bachelor’s degree or higher. Moreover, the odds of work-life conflict were higher in participants whose spouses were self-employed (OR: 3.356). Discussion: Considering the important role of women in family and society, it is necessary to take effective steps at the individual, familial and organizational levels to minimize the conflict between work and life. Knowing the changeable and controllable factors and carrying out appropriate educational interventions can be helpful. Take-home message: Sometimes the causes of some events in life cannot be changed, but they can be managed. The issue of conflict between work and life is the same for women. Such research provides the basis for future research to teach people resilience and manage situations with effective interventions.  
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Wenjie Lai, Bo Han, Kai Zhang, Weiwei Zhang
2024,9(5);    315 Views
Abstract This study investigated the relationships between Chinese adolescents’ mental health status and their coping strategy use in the context of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). A total of 4579 participants answered two questionnaires, and data were analyzed through multiple statistical procedures, including Pearson correlation test and one-way ANOVA. The findings show that COVID-19 generally had minor effects on the mental health of the participants and problem-solving was reported as an effective strategy to tackle the stressors caused by the pandemic. Additionally, avoiding, help-seeking and patience demonstrated similar frequency across participants and fantasying was used the most by those with severe mental health status. These findings will shed some light into how educators provide effective mental health instructions for students, and concomitantly will help in tailoring early interventions that would mitigate the adverse effects of disasters like COVID-19 on adolescents and beyond.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Ameneh Yaghoobzadeh, Heather Craig, Kamel Abdi, Kelly Ann Allen, Sajjad Allahdadi, Leila Mardanian Dehkordi, Hawar Mardan, Marjan Saghafi
2024,9(5);    593 Views
Abstract Ageism is a complex phenomenon influenced by many social structures, including economic systems, political ideologies, cultural norms, and prevailing social attitudes. This study aimed to explore the factors contributing to ageism using a qualitative approach. A purposive sample of 20 older adults aged 60 and over participated in semi-structured, face-to-face interviews. Data were analyzed through thematic analysis involving transcription, review, and category extraction. Three main themes and ten sub-themes emerged, encapsulating the participants’ experiences and perceptions of ageism within the Iranian context, including reactions to remarriage, insecurity and vulnerability, and death. These themes offer insights into older adults’ acceptance or denial of aging. To foster healthier attitudes towards aging and mitigate ageism, it is essential to strategically utilize existing political, economic, social, and cultural infrastructures.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Bindu Roy, Millo Yaja, Anuj Kumar
2024,9(5);    470 Views
Abstract The aims of this study are to analyze the tourists’ perceptions about the impact of factors affecting destination attractiveness on the tourists’ satisfaction level after a major shift in the tourism industry due to the recent COVID-19. The second is to assess the tourists’ perceptions about the new health safety measures or potential of virtual tourism in tourist destinations. The researchers have investigated tourists’ perceptions after this pandemic period using a sample of 417 tourists visiting 5 major tourist spots in Uttarakhand namely Almora, Nainital, Dehradun, Haridwar, and Rishikesh. The judgmental sampling design is used in the study. Descriptive statistics and SEM (structural equation modelling) techniques are used for data analysis. The findings of the study entail that health safety has been marked as an important attribute for tourism destination selection for many tourists due to the COVID-19. As COVID-19 has emphasized the tourist destination stakeholders to follow the safety measure and health protocols to reset the tourism industry and tackle the health crisis, hence improving health safety and building travelers’ confidence is the immediate challenge that needs to tackle first. Findings also show the potential of virtual tourism as a new market that needs to be tapped by the host stakeholders.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Kateřina Bočková, Dáša Porubčanová, Lívia Hasajová, Miron Zelina
2024,9(5);    310 Views
Abstract The presented research article is focused on the issue of flow experiencing in elite tennis players and certified project managers. The primary goal of the research is to empirically identify whether there is a significant variance in flow experiencing between elite tennis players and certified project managers. To fulfill the goal of the research, a questionnaire survey is used among elite tennis players representing the Czech and Slovak Republics and certified project managers (IPMA, PMI, PRINCE2 certification). The research results showed that there is no significant variance between elite tennis players and certified project managers flow experiencing. This finding is important for the development of managerial skills of project managers who are trying to find the most effective way of using the flow phenomenon to achieve better work performance. After an overall evaluation of both theoretical and our empirical findings, we conclude that phenomenon flow is a dynamic and lively theoretical concept with the potential for further development in areas that are not currently the subject of further research into management use.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Jon Kenedi, Chablullah Wibisono, Fitri Astriani, Noviyanti Noviyanti, Ihram Bani Syukur
2024,9(5);    354 Views
Abstract The community complains about the service at the sea passenger port in Tanjungbalai Karimun because it is considered unfriendly to passengers. This port is the only entrance to The Tanjung Balai Karimun Port and was built decades ago. One complaint is the surly service. The number of respondents in this study was 300. With the Slovin formula, 172 samples were obtained. The analysis tool used the AMOS software version 24. The following results were obtained. The Capabilities’ influence on the Competence metric indicates a positive impact. A strong positive correlation exists between the Determination and Knowledge of Competence variables. In this case, the Skills vs. Competence outcome is overwhelmingly favorable. Knowledge has an excellent impact on the Superior Human Resources decision. In a highly encouraging turn of events, the Capabilities variable’s determination of the Superior Human Resources variable was found to be true—an optimistic but unimportant result from applying The Skills variable to the Superior Human Resources variable. Competence has a highly favourable effect on the Super Human Resources criterion. Competence on the job has a square correlation of 89.6%, whereas superior human resources correlate with 100.00%. The already significant factors are being kept that way, while the determination of the Skills variable on the Superior Human Resources team requires some work.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Dwi Sulistyawati, Imam Santosa, Deddy Wahjudi, Deny Willy Junaidy
2024,9(5);    1250 Views
Abstract Advances in information technology have resulted in substantial changes in the way humans interact and communicate, especially within the millennial generation, which is widely identified as a generation that grew up in the digital age. One of the main impacts of the development of information technology is the shift from physical space to cyberspace. Excessive use of information technology can have negative effects, such as reducing face-to-face social interaction and creating feelings of loneliness or alienation. Therefore, it is very important for interior designers to consider the proper integration of information technology features to enhance the user experience in a particular space. This article aims to analyze the influence of feature technology in interior design for millennials, focusing on their behavior and social interactions in public spaces. This analysis is based on literature studies and direct observations of the use of technological features by millennials. The study’s findings reveal that millennials express satisfaction with interior design that incorporates technology, building an emotional bond with space, especially in coffee shops. As a result, the use of technological features in interior design significantly impacts millennial preferences when choosing a space. Therefore, it is important to consider the integration of technological features in interior design as a key factor in creating an attractive space in a coffee shop for millennials. Furthermore, the results of this study can be a reference for future research related to millennial generation’s preferences in choosing spaces that embrace technology in interior design.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Chao Meng, Dewi Fariha Abdullah, Saleh F. A. Khatib, Norhalimah Idris
2024,9(5);    2224 Views
Abstract This study aims to analyse the relationship between Intellectual Capital and Audit Quality in the context of the competitive Audit Market. The main goal of the research is to analyse the impact of Intellectual Capital on Audit Quality, specifically focusing on its presence and management. The methodology utilised a systematic literature review approach, which involved creating a detailed protocol to define the research question, guide the synthesis methodology, and establish criteria for inclusion and quality assessment. The Scopus database was used to conduct a search based on predetermined criteria. This search yielded a total of 217 initial results. After a process of refinement and thematic selection, a total of 144 papers and reviews were chosen for analysis. The selection was made in accordance with the PRISMA statement filtration. The study highlights the significant connection between Intellectual Capital and Audit Quality, underscoring the strategic value of intellectual assets in improving the effectiveness and trustworthiness of audit services in competitive auditing firms. The study highlights the importance of consistently investing in knowledge-based skills, advanced technology, and human capital to effectively respond to changing client demands and regulatory obligations. The implications of this extend to various parties such as auditors, policymakers, and stakeholders. It highlights the significance of promoting a culture that encourages knowledge sharing, investing in training and development initiatives, and adopting advanced audit procedures. These measures are crucial for improving overall audit quality and enhancing the credibility of financial reporting in the ever-changing audit market.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Remya Lathabhavan, M.P. Akhil, Arnob Banik
2024,9(5);    284 Views
Abstract The present study compares the association between cyberchondria with perceived stress through fear of COVID-19 during the pandemic and post pandemic scenario. Studies were conducted in two waves among 651 and 742 Indian university students respectively. Structural equation modeling was performed for analysis. The study revealed the positive association between the cyberchondria and perceived stress, and supported the mediation of pandemic fear. A reciprocal model relationship between the cyberchondria and perceived stress also found to be significant with fear of COVID-19 as mediator. Whereas, the relations found less strong during the post pandemic scenario compare to pandemic. A collective approach, including the individuals, family and friends, psychological practitioners, institutions and authorities, may provide a betterment of current situation with proper analysis and regulations. Future studies may develop longitudinal design to explore behavioral changes over time.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Ivan Ilko, Viera Peterková, Barbora Pokusova, Romana Martincova, Alfred Trnka
2024,9(5);    1973 Views
Abstract Feeding wild birds is one of the most popular forms of interaction between wild animals and humans. This relatively simple method can be applied in the educational process in primary schools through active learning in the field, which serves to improve the pro-environmental attitudes of pupils. The aim of the research was to verify the effect of winter bird feeding on the behavior and knowledge of pupils in selected primary schools. We were interested in whether there are differences between respondents who feed birds in winter and those who do not in terms of their gender, grade, place of residence (apartment, house), and school location. We were also interested in the motivation to feed birds and its origin. The results of our research confirmed that winter bird feeding has a positive effect on respondents’ knowledge ( p = 0.0101). Pupils attending schools in village areas had a higher tendency to feed birds ( p = 0.0005). This was similar for housing type, as respondents living in houses were more likely to feed birds ( p = 0.0011). The effect of gender was negligible in our research ( p = 0.2965).
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Lukáš Stárek
2024,9(5);    305 Views
Abstract Demographic changes are changing the age structure of the population, and we perceive how the population is aging and the number of people in senior age is increasing. The phenomenon of aging, especially in the context of dementia, is a topic that resonates even in professional society, and thus points to the aspect of the perception of aging of people with dementia in the context of quality of life. Providing care to aging people living with dementia should be aimed at improving the quality of their existence. It is a disease that has a huge impact not only on the person who suffers from the disease, but also on their loved ones, on their surroundings and also on society as a whole. In particular, older seniors living with dementia significantly require a more specific approach and support. The aim of this professional study is to point out the reality of real aspects of the quality of life in the context of dementia and to present here not only general knowledge about dementia, but also research data.
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Open Access
Research Articles
2024,9(5);    549 Views
Abstract Nutritious and safe food is essential for good health. However not all food handlers especially in the street food trade know how to or are willing to prepare nutritiously balanced meals. Many non-communicable diseases are associated with poor diets, this therefore implies that habitual consumers of street vended foods could be at risk. This study therefore aimed to analyze the nutrition knowledge and attitudes of street food handlers as well as the food types sold. The study followed a cross-sectional, quantitative design using a peer reviewed questionnaire to obtain street food handler demographics, nutrition knowledge, attitudes and food types sold. Questionnaires were administered to 100 food vendors (June–August 2022) with more females (57%) than males (43%) in the sample. The nutrition knowledge responses given by vendors are indicative of a satisfactory knowledge level. None of the participants scored below 33% (i.e., ≤5/15). The vendors had positive attitudes towards nutrition. However, the meals they sold such as fat cakes and processed meats, were mostly fat and energy dense, and these have a potential to cause health issues such obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Studies on nutrition knowledge especially among this demographic are significantly fewer, and no other study of this kind has been conducted in the Free State.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Krasimira Petrova
2024,9(5);    286 Views
Abstract Domestic violence, regarded as a prevalent matter of public health, encompasses actions employed by an individual within a relationship to manipulate the other party. Although it has garnered considerable attention, the prevalence of domestic violence exhibits notable disparities across distinct regions within a nation, thereby indicating the impact of diverse socio-economic, cultural, and political elements. This study delves further into the available evidence concerning regional discrepancies in domestic violence rates, providing valuable insights into the factors that contribute to this phenomenon and its implications for policy formulation in Bulgaria. With the method of the survey and the conduct of focus groups, the perception of violence and the local characteristics were brought out. The quantitative research included 2800 respondents (100 from each administrative region of Bulgaria), and the qualitative included 700 respondents, who were in 14 predetermined culturally distinct regions. The main interest of that paper is how domestic violence looks in the perceptions of Bulgarians in different regions and what domestic violence looks like in Bulgaria. The main hypothesis posits that individuals’ attitudes towards violent relationships are greatly influenced by their personal experiences with violence. We suggest that societal norms and stereotypes surrounding violence play a significant role in fostering “positive attitudes” towards aggressive behaviors.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Neha Sharma, Sandeep Kaur
2024,9(5);    425 Views
Abstract Since the inception and the spread of COVID-19 from March 2020 in India, companies have experienced a rapid increase in the rate of unemployment as well as employee turnover intention. However, though employer appears to have additional power due to high unemployment levels, but it’s also been balanced by employees having new and more alternatives over whom they get employed due to extensive adoption of remote working by all the companies. Employees are highly satisfied at the workplace, prone to get retained with the organization, develop faith in the organizational system only if there is fulfillment of their psychological contract; employer’s showing concern for employees. This study aims to examine the relationship between psychological contract and employee turnover intention for the employees working in general insurance companies in India. The study further explores the moderating effect of select demographic variables for the relationship between psychological contract and employee turnover intention. These demographic variables are considered as independent groups and their moderation effect relationship between Psychological Contract and Employee Turnover Intention is tested with the help of SMART PLS software. The findings are insightful and will pave the way for the insurance companies to retain the employees by reducing their employee turnover intention and focusing on fulfillment of psychological contract.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Ameen Alharbi
2024,9(5);    2562 Views
Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify the core capabilities required of Information Technology workers working in IT firms. Personal competencies, technical competencies, job-related competencies, interpersonal competencies, knowledge level competencies, and management competencies were all employed in the study, and they are all linked to IT employees’ performance and help them thrive in their jobs. The existing study is primary in nature and involves retrieval of responses from IT employees through structured questionnaire ranged from 1–5 Likert scale. The sample size of the study is 176 respondents using purposive random sampling techniques. The study ‘s findings imply that in order to get a competitive advantage in the business industry, every individual in the company should be involved in improving productivity and efficiency at work. Similarly, the firm faces a difficult task in retaining people and persuading them to stay current in their fields of expertise or critical performance areas. As a result, competency mapping will aid the organisation in finding the expected skills of each employee in relation to the jobʼs actual skill set. Specific training initiatives to overcome the skill shortfall of IT employees should be taken based on the identified gaps.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Siti Nabihah Md Sahak, Samsilah Roslan, Noorlila Ahmad, Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh, Zulkifli Mohamad, Aini Marina Ma’rof
2024,9(5);    2274 Views
Abstract Spiritual meditations practiced within green environments develop a perceived interconnection between the self and nature that influences physiological well-being. This study investigates spirituality and natural connectivity as mediators between exposure to nature and psychological well-being in Malaysian school students. This study involved 293 students (178 female and 115 male) from four secondary schools in the Johor Bahru district with survey findings on the Exposure to Nature Scale, Connectedness to Nature Scale, Spiritual Values Scale, and Psychological Well-being Scale. The students in the study fell within the age range of 13 to 16 years, and the average age of the sample was 11.86 ± 2.32 years. Structural equation modeling indicated that high spirituality and nature connectedness mediated the relationship between exposure to nature and psychological well-being. Spirituality significantly influenced the relationship between exposure to nature and psychological well-being more than nature connectedness. These findings indicate that practitioners appreciate the value of certain aspects, like exposure to nature, nature connectedness, and spirituality, as a possible path for enhancing school students’ psychological well-being.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Murat Yıldırım, Zeynep Feride Olcay, Güfte Caner Akın, Derya Çevik Taşdemir
2024,9(5);    466 Views
Abstract Since the inception and the spread of COVID-19 from March 2020 in India, companies have experienced a rapid increase in the rate of unemployment as well as employee turnover intention. However, though employer appears to have additional power due to high unemployment levels, but it’s also been balanced by employees having new and more alternatives over whom they get employed due to extensive adoption of remote working by all the companies. Employees are highly satisfied at the workplace, prone to get retained with the organization, develop faith in the organizational system only if there is fulfillment of their psychological contract; employer’s showing concern for employees. This study aims to examine the relationship between psychological contract and employee turnover intention for the employees working in general insurance companies in India. The study further explores the moderating effect of select demographic variables for the relationship between psychological contract and employee turnover intention. These demographic variables are considered as independent groups and their moderation effect relationship between Psychological Contract and Employee Turnover Intention is tested with the help of SMART PLS software. The findings are insightful and will pave the way for the insurance companies to retain the employees by reducing their employee turnover intention and focusing on fulfillment of psychological contract.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Ranpreet Kaur, Sonali Prasad Dharmadhikari, Sonali Khurjekar
2024,9(5);    1095 Views
Abstract Since the inception and the spread of COVID-19 from March 2020 in India, companies have experienced a rapid increase in the rate of unemployment as well as employee turnover intention. However, though employer appears to have additional power due to high unemployment levels, but it’s also been balanced by employees having new and more alternatives over whom they get employed due to extensive adoption of remote working by all the companies. Employees are highly satisfied at the workplace, prone to get retained with the organization, develop faith in the organizational system only if there is fulfillment of their psychological contract; employer’s showing concern for employees. This study aims to examine the relationship between psychological contract and employee turnover intention for the employees working in general insurance companies in India. The study further explores the moderating effect of select demographic variables for the relationship between psychological contract and employee turnover intention. These demographic variables are considered as independent groups and their moderation effect relationship between Psychological Contract and Employee Turnover Intention is tested with the help of SMART PLS software. The findings are insightful and will pave the way for the insurance companies to retain the employees by reducing their employee turnover intention and focusing on fulfillment of psychological contract.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Roberto Sánchez-Cabrero, Marta Sandoval-Mena, Gema Pilar Saez-Suanes, Elena López-de-Arana Prado
2024,9(5);    501 Views
Abstract This study aims to validate the Classroom Climate for an Inclusive Education Questionnaire (CCIEQ) to assess the quality of the conditions for inclusive teaching performance through three different procedures. Firstly, the study aims to evaluate the questionnaire’s content validity, culminating in the selection of nine theoretically dimensions validated quantitatively by means of an adequate Minimum Discrepancy of the Chi-square Value Divided by Degree of Freedom Index (CMIN/DF). Secondly, it seeks to assess the construct validity of the questionnaire with a Robust Exploratory Factor Analysis Technique and Hull Method to evaluate internal consistency for a final configuration of a single factor to obtain a single final score. Thirdly, the study aims to evaluate the questionnaire’s convergent validity, showing the existing correlations with other instruments previously validated for the same purpose (CEFI-R, UDL-checklist Test) using a common participant sample. To achieve these objectives, a sample of 153 in service teachers was used, recruited for the study sample from four different countries (Spain, Turkey, Latvia and Poland) through cluster sampling. The results show excellent psychometric properties and convergent validity of the CCIEQ, so its use as a scientific tool for samples of European in-service teachers is validated.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Seong-Yuen Toh, Fakhra Yasmin, Shehnaz Tehseen, Petra Poulova, Syed Arslan Haider, Elizabeth Andrews, Punitha Sinnappan, Rayhan Zaky Mahendra
2024,9(5);    357 Views
Abstract It has been acknowledged that academic performance has important consequences in one’s career, thus, a better understanding of both distal and proximal predictors deserves consideration. Based on social cognitive theory, this study contributes to the limited research investigating the academic performance of university students in Malaysia using the trait model which considers the mediation of self-efficacy (proximal characteristic) in the relationship between student personality (distal trait) and academic performance (outcomes). In a sample of 264 participants, self-efficacy positively relates to academic performance and positively mediated effects of all traits (except neuroticism) on academic performance. Contrary to past research, conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness do not exert direct effects on academic achievement but instead through self-efficacy. Openness to experience turned out to be the strongest predictor pointing to a need for in-depth investigations into this dimension and for more complex model incorporating other proximal attributes in predicting academic performance in future research.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Haofeng Li, Jalaluddin Abdul Malek, Mohd Mahzan Awang
2024,9(5);    292 Views
Abstract This study aims to use the BP neural network model to predict the monthly total number of reported symptoms in preschool children, thereby achieving early warning for the total number of cases in the current month. By analyzing the training results of the neural network and the fitting of the model, the feasibility and effectiveness of the BP neural network in monitoring the physical health of preschool children are validated. The predictive model is of great significance for the prevention of infectious diseases in a border region of a certain province, providing important information for the local incidence situation. The research results indicate that the established BP neural network model demonstrates good accuracy and practicality in predicting the monthly total number of reported symptoms in preschool children’s physical health.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Ce Fang
2024,9(5);    741 Views
Abstract Purpose: The professional integrity of e-commerce livestream hosts is crucial, as they function as intermediaries connecting businesses and consumers. The research investigates how the characteristics of e-commerce livestream hosts influence the mechanisms behind consumers’ impulsive motivations for online purchases. The goal is to propose targeted managerial insights for the e-commerce livestreaming sector, fostering robust and sustainable growth. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research targets Chinese consumers engaged in online livestream shopping, utilising a quantitative research methodology through a questionnaire survey. Data was collected through the dissemination of online questionnaires on e-commerce platforms, resulting in 683 valid sample responses collected between July and August 2023. Findings: Analyzing the data reveals that anchor characteristics positively impact consumers’ impulsive online purchases and, concurrently, positively influence the consumers’ level of flow experience. Conversely, the consumers’ flow experience level positively impacts their impulsive online purchases, with the flow experience serving as a partial mediator. Additionally, the independent self-concept moderates the process where anchor characteristics positively influence consumers’ tendencies for impulsive online purchases, augmenting its effectiveness. Conclusion: Anchor characteristics directly impact consumers’ impulsive online purchases and can also indirectly boost consumers’ impulsive online purchases by enhancing their flow experience. Practical Implications: The present study explores which e-commerce livestream hosts impact consumers’ impulsive online purchasing behaviours, offering insights for future research. Additionally, by exploring the impact factors of e-commerce livestream hosts’ characteristics on consumers’ impulsive online purchasing behaviours, this research provides theoretical suggestions for livestream hosts, offers guidance for consumers, and serves as a reference for businesses to enhance their livestreaming strategies.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Hermie V. Inoferio, Marcelino Espartero, Masnona Asiri, Michelle Damin, Jason V. Chavez
2024,9(5);    3998 Views
Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI) in education transforms the instructional processes and learning competence of students. AI can adapt to the individual learning needs of students. By analyzing students’ progress, performance, and preferences, AI systems can deliver tailored content, recommend additional resources, and provide feedback. The purpose of this study was to develop initial understanding on how AI models help students cope with math anxiety and lack of confidence in engaging with mathematics learning. This exploratory research established the connections between what students feel when using AI and how it benefits them. College students ( n = 20) enrolled in different math-related programs (i.e., engineering, statistics/mathematics, computer science, education) were purposively sampled for a one-on-one interview. Thematic analysis indicated that students are now turning to AI models as a coping mechanism to alleviate math anxiety and boost their self-assurance. These AI models function as “mentors” and “math companions” that offer step-by-step explanations and personalized support. Their adaptability and personalized approach make mathematics more accessible to students, with the potential to reduce anxiety and enhance the overall learning experience. Moreover, the use of AI models encourages a sense of independence, motivating students to actively engage in self-guided learning. The findings open new questions about using AI models in improving the self-efficacy and confidence of students in mathematics learning. There is also an opportunity to build an AI-assisted learning with a focus on psychological interventions and behavioral interconnections mediating students’ academic performance.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Saeed Siyal, Areeba Arif Khan, Maria Saeed, Samira Khodi Aghmiuni, Rahmat Ullah
2024,9(5);    287 Views
Abstract This paper intent to test the relationship between institutional pressure (regulatory, cognitive, and normative) and social entrepreneurship orientation in the presence of level of utilitarian identity, level of other-regarding values. The data collection was through a survey-based method from 270 social enterprises that participated. The comprehensive integrated model was designed to test the impact of institutional pressure (regulatory, cognitive, and normative) on social entrepreneurship orientation with moderating role of the level of utilitarian identity, and the level of other-regarding values. The findings of the study reveal that institutional pressure, level of utilitarian identity, and level of other-regarding values positively and significantly influence social entrepreneurship orientation. Furthermore, the level of utilitarian identity positively and significantly moderates the relationship between institutional pressure and social entrepreneurship orientation while, the level of other-regarding values negatively and significantly moderates the relationship. This study provides the pathway to social entrepreneurial orientation to an organization currently operating social enterprises domain.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Gelmar García-Vidal, Laritza Guzmán-Vilar, Alexander Sánchez-Rodríguez, Rodobaldo Martínez-Vivar, Reyner Pérez-Campdesuñer
2024,9(5);    481 Views
Abstract This paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurial success among owners and managers of Ecuadorian SMEs through the relationship between variables such as business efficiency, psychological resilience and perceived entrepreneurial leadership. We surveyed 385 SME owners and managers in Ecuador and employed hierarchical linear modeling to analyze the data. The findings of this article suggest that entrepreneurial well-being, psychological resilience, and entrepreneurial leadership perceived by owners and managers of Ecuadorian SMEs are positively correlated with entrepreneurial success. There may be a tendency to associate success with economic performance. The practical implications of this study are that owner-managers of SMEs can use the developed measurement scale to evaluate their success and identify areas where they may need support or improvement and develop strategies to foster the best possible business experience. The study also provides insights into factors affecting entrepreneurial success and highlights the importance of promoting a positive entrepreneurial experience. In addition, the study contributes to literature by identifying some limitations and identifying areas for future research.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Samuel Obinna Okolie, Gloria Manyeruke
2024,9(5);    612 Views
Abstract The social categorization theory suggests that ingroup bias is a common cognitive bias that can result in discrimination against outgroup members. In recent years there has been a notable increase in the international student body globally as well as an increase in the diversity of the students. Considering this background, it is imperative to investigate the social experiences of this group of students. The current research investigates experiences of discrimination among international students and how they influence their ethnic identity and psychological well-being. A sample of 386 students was recruited from 2 universities in Northern Cyprus using a convenience sampling technique. The findings show a positive relationship between discrimination and psychological distress. The findings also show that ethnic identity is negatively correlated with discrimination and psychological distress. International students who reported higher scores of discrimination showed higher levels of stress and depression. This is because discrimination would result in social exclusion or isolation. High levels of discrimination are associated with low ethnic identity scores among international students. The study shows that ethnic identity does not mediate the impact of discrimination on psychological well-being (psychological distress, depression, anxiety, stress). The findings also show that there are significant differences in discrimination based on race and religion this may be linked to cultural distance between the host and home countries. Considering these findings, educational institutions should increase support services offered to international students, offer awareness and sensitivity training for multicultural interactions and, also incorporate authentic sustainability curricula.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Stoyanka Cherkezova
2024,9(5);    688 Views
Abstract The study aims to seek an answer to the question of whether it is justified to introduce the construct of mastery goal orientation into the discussion of soft skills standards in education in terms of its relevance to students’ success in school and to youths’ education-to-work transitions, thereby becoming a prerequisite for social inequalities mitigation. Methods: The analysis is done in two stages. In the first stage multilevel binary regressions with PISA 2018 microdata in 30 countries are applied to model the relationship between the predictors (mastery goal orientation, social status, academic achievement, self-efficacy and attitudes towards school and learning) and the outcome variables education-to-employment transition attitudes. In the second stage, descriptive comparative analysis for 19 countries is done to explore the relation between academic achievement, mastery goal and actual education-to-employment transition regimes. Results: Modelling confirms that, at the individual level, lower social background predicts shorter school-to-work transition attitudes, as well as transition avoidance attitudes, while higher social status is associated with attitudes towards longer career transition. Mastery goal orientation as a disposition contributes to attitudes toward extended education-to-employment transitions that go through obtaining a higher degree, thus moderating the impact of social status on attitudes toward transition. Furthermore, mastery goal orientation is found to inhibit the emergence of attitudes toward short transition and transition avoidance. Mastery goal orientation has the strongest associations compared to the other predictors in the models with the transition attitudes. The observations provide reasons at least to introduce the mastery goal orientation into the discussion about standards in education. Further research is needed to validate how attitudes toward transitions translate into actual transition regimes and what is the role of mastery goal orientation along with social status and educational attainment in this process.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Hafize Nurgul Durmus Senyapar
2024,9(5);    1019 Views
Abstract This study delves into the complex dynamics of sustainable marketing within the energy sector, aiming to unravel the intersection of sustainability principles and marketing strategies that promote environmental stewardship, economic viability, and social equity. Through exploratory qualitative research, the study uncovers critical trends in sustainable marketing, addressing the challenge of aligning strategies with environmental, economic, and social goals. A strategic shift is observed in integrating renewable energy sources, emphasizing environmental benefits and global alignment with sustainability goals. Transparent communication and ethical practices are pivotal, fostering consumer trust and authentic storytelling and establishing a foundation for a trustworthy energy sector. The emphasis on energy efficiency solutions and digital marketing platforms contribute to an informed and empowered consumer base. Customizable energy solutions, incentive programs, collaborative campaigns, and sustainable branding enhance market appeal, reinforcing economic benefits and positioning companies as leaders in transitioning to a sustainable energy future. The critical findings highlight integrating renewable energy sources, a shift towards transparency and ethical marketing practices, promoting energy efficiency solutions, leveraging digital platforms, offering customizable solutions, and engaging in collaborative campaigns with sustainable branding. Synthesizing these findings, the study provides a holistic perspective on strategies contributing to a resilient and eco-conscious future in the energy sector. Energy companies can leverage these insights to refine marketing strategies, align with global sustainability goals, foster consumer trust, and position themselves as leaders in transitioning to a sustainable energy future.
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Open Access
Review Articles
by Miriam Janet Cervantes Lopez, Raúl de León Escobedo, Arturo Llanes Castillo, Ricardo Salas Flores
2024,9(5);    305 Views
Abstract Purpose: The objective of this article is to conduct a literature review to understand and analyze the use of information technologies in medical education. Design/methodology/approach: In this documentary article, the method employed focused on the review of various databases (Scopus, Redalyc, Scielo, and Web of Science). Findings: As a result, it was found that telemedicine, in particular, has facilitated online consultations and real-time feedback, enhancing the quality of healthcare and promoting continuous professional development. Virtual medical simulations have provided a safe and controlled environment for students and professionals to practice clinical skills, refine techniques, and build confidence before facing real-life situations. Additionally, access to online educational resources, such as digital libraries and medical journals, has expanded access to medical knowledge and enabled students and professionals to stay updated in an ever-evolving field.
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Open Access
Review Articles
by Mahendra Fakhri, Natan Fernando Ananka Sinaga, Syahputra Syahputra, Mahir Pradana
2024,9(5);    500 Views
Abstract Controversial advertising wields a considerable influence on customers’ purchase intentions, creating both positive and negative outcomes. Using bibliometric analysis and a systematic literature review, this article attempts to present an overview of previous studies on the use of advertising, regardless of how contentious or inventive it may be. We looked through published papers to see which prominent figures in this subject have contributed, what significant subtopics are, and what further research may be done. We found that the number of papers produced on this topic between 2000 and 2023 is already increasing. We also use network analysis to map the research clusters. A total of 93 articles were discovered according to the findings. According to the report, terms like “purchase intention,” “controversy,” and “offensive advertising” have not been adequately investigated. This paper adds to the body of knowledge on the subject for academics and business policymakers. This thoughtful approach is crucial considering the significant impact of controversial advertising on consumer behavior and purchase intentions.
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Open Access
Review Articles
by Mohammad Owais Farooqui, Mohd Imran Siddiquei, Kishore Kumar
2024,9(5);    273 Views
Abstract Female feticide and infanticide, are two of the most serious problems confronting Indian society. This issue is largely caused by the identification of female fetuses through technology, which frequently results in the termination of a pregnancy. Despite the government’s efforts to curb these practices, progress has been limited. There are facilities in cities for determining the gender of an unborn child. The financial difficulty of raising a girl child is a key element in the preference for male offspring. The aim of this study is to propose innovative financial solutions that the government can implement to address this longstanding and complex issue. By exploring various financial inclusion strategies, this study seeks to identify effective measures that can bring about social change and promote gender equality.
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