Mapping environmental problems in the new capital city of “Nusantara” as a foundation for sustainable development governance
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 631 (Abstract) 257 (PDF)
Indonesia moved the country’s capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan Island. This activity is a major breakthrough, but if done incorrectly it can be a serious challenge, especially from an environmental perspective. This research aims to identify environmental problems in the development of Indonesian capital cities. This information was obtained through literature studies and field observations. City management studies, especially the development of the nation’s capital, need to be directed so as not to cause environmental damage problems. The mapping process starts from the pre-construction stage, construction stage, operational stage or environmental impact analysis. The mapping results show that environmental problems need to be mapped in the form of types of activities with a social, economic and environmental approach in accordance with sustainable development standards starting from a social approach to ensure the fulfillment of citizens’ rights in improving the quality of the environment city. The results of impact identification conclude that there is a positive impact on improving community welfare and there is a negative impact that increases the burden on the environment. An economic approach by ensuring the fulfillment of citizens’ rights in obtaining decent work and an environmental approach by paying attention to air, water quality and waste management in accordance with technological standards and following applicable laws and regulations. As for alternative conclusions for resolving environmental problems, community model governance is governance with a community approach for activities that have an area of less than 5 hectares and the complexity of environmental impacts is less than three impacts, while the complexity of environmental impacts is more than three impacts. of the three impacts are managed using a collaborative model.
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