Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024)

Table of Contents

Open Access
Research Articles
by Bohong Li, Mahyuddin Arsat, Adibah Abdul Latif, Nor Fadila Mohd Amin, Daing Haziq Haikal Embok Daing, Yueyuan Men, Weicong Li, Lisheng Wang, Chunfeng Zhu
2024,9(2);    623 Views
Abstract Developing a mutual recognition mechanism for China-ASEAN qualification framework of vocational education is essential for creating a fair, freely mobile lifelong learning system that will enable learner to carry and accumulate their learning outcomes across the region. By formulating and implementing unified standards, mutual recognition of qualifications across domains, industries and regions will be promoted, fostering greater collaboration and mobility between educational institutions and workplaces. To achieve this objective, China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have undertaken extensive preparations and explorations at the policy, organizational and functional levels. The development commitments outlined in the “Vision 2030 of China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership” provide a framework for the establishment of a mutual recognition mechanism, while the existing promotion measures of all parties demonstrate their commitment to realizing this vision. This paper proposes the concept of five development stages of mutual recognition of national qualification frameworks (NQFs) in vocational education, which will gradually establish the mutual recognition mechanism of regional NQFs. This mechanism will not only promote greater collaboration and mobility between learners, educational institutions, and workplaces but also achieve the ultimate goal of comprehensive development of people and society in the region.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Fadillah Ismail, Adibah Abdul Kadir, Nur Azia Hazida Mohamad Azmi, Halimah Mohd Yusof
2024,9(2);    661 Views
Abstract For more than a decade, researchers have been interested in the study of trade unions across the world, including Malaysia. Although trade unions have been in this country, but there have been a number of withdrawals of women’s membership in the past few years, from 2018 to 2021. The objective of the study is to discuss why women refuse to join trade unions, the reasons behind it, and how to encourage women to join and stay in trade unions. To highlight, this study discussed several factors that explain why women still refuse to join trade unions in the first subtopic. In the discussion, it was stated about gender inequality, work culture, different ideologies, low awareness, anti-union sentiments and work imbalance. Meanwhile, the second subtopic explained and justified the reasons women leave the union, including factors such as leadership, personal and family factors, insufficient facilities and support, working factors, dues factors and union structure. In the third part, this research discussed multiple strategies that can be implemented to encourage women to join and stay in trade unions. Many roles need to be played together as a whole body, regardless of the organization itself, to enforce the participation of women in trade unions. Thus, this research suggests providing societal and economic support for women, paying attention to the structure of the organization, developing a supportive and positive work environment, developing a women’s empowerment campaign and promoting equality policies in trade unions. Overall, future research needs to be explored to stay in trend and relevant to current developments and situations in trade unions.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Huixian Zhao, Mi Li, Lin Li
2024,9(2);    385 Views
Abstract Background: Professional identity is an important personal resource at work, especially for psychological counsellors who deal with various issues related to the mental health of their clients. However, up to date there are limited studies concerning emotional labor and professional identity among psychological counsellors. Therefore, the emotional labor strategies used by counsellors to preserve their mental health and attain professional identity is worthy to be examined. Methods: This study adopted a cross-sectional survey-based approach in which 180 respondents were asked to complete a survey. Further analyses were carried out via SPSS and Lisel version 8.7. Results: In this study it is apparent that emotional diversity has a significant relationship towards professional identity. Conclusions: This study has proved that three dimensions of emotional labour (emotional diversity, expression rules and deep acting) does have a positively significant relationship towards the total scores of professional identities.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Suad Dukhaykh, Bshaier Bukhari, Monirah Alotaibi
2024,9(2);    672 Views
Abstract The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of transformational leadership on work engagement and the mediating effect of job crafting in the relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement among Saudi employees working in the private sector. An online structured questionnaire is used to gather data from 337 Saudi employees working in the private sector. The study findings reveal that transformational leadership is significantly related to work engagement. Job crafting significantly mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and work engagement. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Piet Hein Pusung, Felly Ferol Warouw, Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty, Lady Grace Jane Giroth
2024,9(2);    637 Views
Abstract Indonesia moved the country’s capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan Island. This activity is a major breakthrough, but if done incorrectly it can be a serious challenge, especially from an environmental perspective. This research aims to identify environmental problems in the development of Indonesian capital cities. This information was obtained through literature studies and field observations. City management studies, especially the development of the nation’s capital, need to be directed so as not to cause environmental damage problems. The mapping process starts from the pre-construction stage, construction stage, operational stage or environmental impact analysis. The mapping results show that environmental problems need to be mapped in the form of types of activities with a social, economic and environmental approach in accordance with sustainable development standards starting from a social approach to ensure the fulfillment of citizens’ rights in improving the quality of the environment city. The results of impact identification conclude that there is a positive impact on improving community welfare and there is a negative impact that increases the burden on the environment. An economic approach by ensuring the fulfillment of citizens’ rights in obtaining decent work and an environmental approach by paying attention to air, water quality and waste management in accordance with technological standards and following applicable laws and regulations. As for alternative conclusions for resolving environmental problems, community model governance is governance with a community approach for activities that have an area of less than 5 hectares and the complexity of environmental impacts is less than three impacts, while the complexity of environmental impacts is more than three impacts. of the three impacts are managed using a collaborative model.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by God’sgift Ogban Uwen, Asa John Ghevolor, Victor Offiong Bassey
2024,9(2);    216 Views
Abstract This paper investigates the use of emotive language in the construction of situational aggression among drivers in gridlock scenes along the failed Calabar-Uyo highway, in Southern Nigeria. Data were derived through participants’ observations, informal interactions and semi-structured interviews in an eight-month fieldwork involving 36 drivers who formed the representative sample. Insights from Frustration-Aggression and Conceptual Act Theories were utilised to account for how emotive language instantiate displaced aggression. Findings show that the emotive cues used by drivers were principally informed by the bad road which occurred as a result of failed leadership and endemic corruption, and other cues used to exemplify inferiorisation of women, driving incompetence, superiority complex and economic hardship. The exchanges are combined to situate the collective excruciating experience of drivers and a protest against Nigerian political establishment. The emotive language impliedly re-enacts participants’ patriarchal beliefs, driving attitudes, multilingual identities and myriad of challenges that describe the Nigerian sociocultural context.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Barttanu Kumar Das, Rajini G.
2024,9(2);    1545 Views
Abstract The organizational development (OD) interventions carried out by the assessment center identifying the competencies becomes effective only if the expectation of the stakeholders is met. A 360-degree multipurpose intervention is to assess and develop project director’s leadership capabilities and enable them to execute Mega Infrastructure Projects in India executed by Larsen and Toubro, the leading engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) players of India. Implementing such Mega Projects by maintaining time, cost, safety, and quality parameters require leadership skills of high order. To meet out this requirement implementation partner interacted with few project directors from each business verticals such as nuclear, hydel, metro, defense, special bridges and ports and harbor, to understand the role holders’ challenges and the expectations. L&T Heavy Civil Infrastructure (HCI) Leadership Competency framework was thus drafted looking into the role intensity and specific role-based challenges of the Mega Project Leaders. The questionnaires were designed to cover all dimensions and sub dimensions of 8 competencies, covering 40 behavioral Indicators. the questionnaires were hosted on the online platform to including self, supervisor, direct repartees, peers, customers, and other stakeholders. Validation to the assessment of each dimension and sub-dimensions as qualitative feedback is done with simple average scores and the range. The study found that execution leadership was the highest rated competency followed by customer engagement and talent management. The study also found that strategic orientation and decision making were rated low compared to other competencies, got validated by comments of customers as well. This is quite evident from the feedback that was taken after 9 months of the intervention. The study by using Delphi technique revealed that by providing feedback from all stakeholders supported by systematic coaching, 88% participants showed improvement in the low rated items. The study further proved that with proper feedback and coaching at an individual level with required trust and keeping development as the core agenda and without linking to any other HR processes like appraisal and promotion, majority of the participants took full ownership, interest and worked on their individual competency development showing their learning agility.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Jason V. Chavez, Jhordan T. Cuilan
2024,9(2);    652 Views
Abstract Cultivation of gender-based humor in social media encourages contrarian language to gender mainstreaming. Gender-based humor posed threat on how to deliver equitable gender mainstreaming campaigns through online. The goal of this study was to determine how gender-based humor impact gender mainstreaming campaign in sociolinguistic sense. There were 14 participants in the focus group discussion providing collective narratives on proliferation of gender-based humors in social media. The participants were language teachers, Gender and Development (GAD) coordinators, and GAD advocates. Discourse analysis indicated that language use in social media hampers the delivery of gender mainstreaming campaigns. Social characterization and social distinctions were prominent components of the humor language, which then cultivated gender normativity. Gender-based humor perpetuate stereotypes, promote discriminatory practices, and reinforce power imbalances through linguistic means. In larger scale, humor language influences the reproduction of humor culture in social media. Gender mainstreaming slows down because of massive cultivation of social belief systems. The problem lies on how gender stereotypes are normalized in society through language use.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Kavitha Balakrishnan, Ajitha Angusamy, Ainna Afify Binti Mohamad Fadhli Lee
2024,9(2);    265 Views
Abstract This study investigated the association between interpersonal communication constructs and employee commitment. Employers and employees must have effective interpersonal communication skills to comprehend one another, understand requirements and expectations, and manage the workforce efficiently. Effective interpersonal communication also aids in enhancing the organisation’s engagement and enabling stronger bonds with stakeholders and colleagues. This research uses the quantitative method, a questionnaire-based survey of employees from various businesses to examine the factors that influence interpersonal communication competence. The data were analysed with partial least squares structural equation modelling with SmartPLS software. The findings reveal employers should prioritise interpersonal communication to enhance employee commitment. Organisations could undertake more engagement sessions and training to increase interpersonal communication. This study added to the body of knowledge by examining the relationship between three interpersonal communication factors and employee commitment. Other interpersonal communication factors influencing employee commitment and a mixed-method approach should be considered for future studies.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Margarida E. Kanaris, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
2024,9(2);    450 Views
Abstract Trust is an essential glue that binds diverse groups toward working synergistically. Without trust, it becomes more challenging to achieve engagement and an inclusive environment for learning. As such, this study is about methods of engaging virtual learners and remote workers through teamwork and the building of social relationships in today’s digital and diverse world of higher education. This research specifically focuses on trust to build a better learning environment in online education. Qualitative, open-ended interviewing is used to explore 30 learners’ emergent, interactive, and social construction of trust. Data from the responsive interviews were subjected to several levels of analysis to elicit findings and interpretations. The analysis sheds light on whether learners learn best if they are given a common goal to work interdependently. Sociability is often skipped to achieve outcomes that are common to all group members. Failure to communicate effectively commonly results in a breach of trust, but learners can re-engage in social learning by explaining their behavior. However, repeated breaches of trust, especially among diverse teammates, can cause irreparable damage to the outcome.  Implications and recommendations are discussed.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by God’sgift Ogban Uwen, Stephen Magor Ellah
2024,9(2);    319 Views
Abstract This paper examines the linguistic choices in the construction of memory on the T-shirts worn by graduating students at the University of Calabar and Cross River University of Technology, Calabar in Southern Nigeria. The study adopts multimodal discourse analysis and memory theories to account for the motivations behind the inscriptions, the situational meanings they communicate and the explication of the semiotic resources within the social context of the university environment. A total of 112 graduating students representing the target population participated in the study. The data were generated by means of semi-structured interviews while using audiotape recording and digital cameras as research tools to elicit the appropriate information. The findings show that the use of inscripted T-shirts has become a popular youth culture among graduating students in Nigerian universities purposively devised to re-enact memories of their complex experiences as students. As demonstrated by the participants, the T-shirt inscriptions reflect the collective (un)pleasant memories of achievement and self-fulfillment, relief and freedom, gratitude, leadership and challenges which transmitted via semiotic resources that portray peace, joy and social elevation. The messages are combined to covertly portray the deteriorating state of education in Nigeria and call for revamping strategies that could introduce a conducive environment, and a promising economy that would ease hardship on Nigerian students.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Seeni Mehraj Begam Binti V.K.S. Vyzul Karnine, Ismail Hussein Amzat, Abdul Shakour Duncan Preece, Ercan Kiziltas, Ayesha Sheddika Khandakar, Siti Salmiah Binti Muhammad
2024,9(2);    496 Views
Abstract The current research aims to investigate the internal and external factors influencing faculty turnover intention, with attention to foreign lecturers, among faculty members in one of the universities in Malaysia. The intention of a person to leave their current employment can be referred to as turnover intention. Previous analyses have revealed these ideas to be an employee’s desired strategy for quitting their current job and looking for another one. Job security, supervisor support, remuneration satisfaction, job autonomy, key performance indicators (KPI) achievability, and job satisfaction are the different factors that influence employees’ intentions to leave their jobs. The finding indicates that structural factors including job autonomy, remuneration satisfaction, and KPI achievability contributed to the explanation of turnover intention. These variables play a more significant part in influencing foreign lecturers’ decisions to quit and move to a better job opportunity.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Zarina Kassim, Zakiah Syamra' Suhaimi, S. Ananthan Subramaniam, Haliza Mohd Zahari, Mohd Nor Yahaya
2024,9(2);    409 Views
Abstract The Malaysian Ministry of Finance primarily aims to implement fiscal and financial policies for perpetual economic progress. It is vital to ensure the equitable distribution of national wealth to improve Malaysian citizens’ well-being. Based on this study, the Malaysian government’s strategy in defence allocation and spending demonstrates spillover effects on social welfare. Notwithstanding, this financial strategy must be self-sufficient in terms of resources to achieve economic scale through increased job creation and income generation. The current work utilised panel data to examine the defence spending effects on social welfare. A key finding was derived by applying the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model to fiscal time series data for 15 years (2008–2022). Specifically, defence allocations and expenditures reflected a spillover effect on social welfare. The empirical outcomes potentially catalyse the development of the National Defense White Paper in defence allocation and spending strategies and establish a novel independent paradigm in the National Defense Industry (NDI).
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Tay Loong An, Suganthi Ramasamy, Yuen Yee Yen
2024,9(2);    777 Views
Abstract The objective of this study is to examine factors affecting consumers’ perception on credit card usage. This study implemented the non-probability sampling technique as it is the most convenience sampling method for the questionnaire survey for this study. The analysis was conducted by collecting 200 samples in Melaka, Malaysia and applying SERVQUAL model as the base model for this study. The model examines the impact of service quality, perceived benefits, bank policies and consumers’ attitude in influencing consumers’ perception on credit card usage. This study used multiple linear regression to analyze the factors affecting consumers’ perception on credit card usage. The findings conclude that service quality, perceived benefits, bank policies and consumers’ attitude have significant positive effect on the consumers’ perception on credit card usage.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Kavitha Balakrishnan, Ajitha Angusamy, Muhammad Danial Rezza Rosli
2024,9(2);    714 Views
Abstract This study investigated the relationship between employee engagement with internal communication factors in the context of a prominent e-commerce company in Malaysia. The study employed a quantitative data approach, utilising a simple random sampling method. Data collection was conducted through structured questionnaires were administered to 255 respondents representing various departments within the e-commerce company, including finance, sales and marketing, operations management, human resources, and IT. The study’s outcomes demonstrated a significantly positive relationship between communication climate and employee engagement, which is critical for retaining employee commitment. The study’s findings confirmed a positive relationship between organisation communication and employee engagement, which promotes engagement. However, two-way asymmetrical communication showed negative effects when analysed for the mediating role. These findings underscore the importance of effective internal communication in organisations, especially within the context of a leading e-commerce company. Additionally, they should be aware of the potential negative consequences of asymmetrical communication and strive for more balanced and ethical communication practices. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by bridging the gap in scientific research on the relationship between internal communication and employee engagement, particularly in the Malaysian context. By drawing on stakeholders’ and relationship management theories, this research provides valuable insights into the theoretical foundations of this relationship, confirming the relevance of these theories in the organisational setting.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Paula Rodríguez-Rivera, Ana Manzano-León, Rubén Camacho-Sánchez, María Dolores Dapía Conde, José M. Rodríguez-Ferrer
2024,9(2);    593 Views
Abstract Game Based Learning (GBL) has demonstrated its efficacy in education by addressing issues such as student boredom, motivation, and active learning. This article specifically focuses on the implementation of a cooperative training workshop to assess university students’ satisfaction, motivation, and attitudes towards transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individuals. The project involved the participation of 36 students who engaged in a cooperative video game that promotes LGBTQI+ inclusivity. This immersive experience not only facilitated their learning but also fostered teamwork and familiarity with information and communication technology (ICT) programs and resources crucial to their future professional pursuits. The primary objective of the workshop was to enhance the training of students pursuing social education degrees and better prepare them for their future careers. The findings underscore the advantages of this cooperative workshop, which serves as a platform for students to develop practical skills, deepen their understanding of social issues, and cultivate positive attitudes towards TGD individuals. The study highlights GBL’s potential in reducing boredom, enhancing motivation, and promoting active learning. In conclusion, GBL offers promising prospects for transforming educational practices. The integration of cooperative workshops into teaching methodologies can have a positive impact on student engagement, learning outcomes, and attitudes. Further research is required to comprehensively comprehend and effectively incorporate GBL (digital game learning) into teaching practices. By harnessing the educational potential of games, we can create more engaging and effective learning environments that equip students with the necessary skills for their future careers in social education.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Richar Jacobo Posso-Pacheco, Bertha Susana Paz-Viteri, María Gladys Cóndor-Chicaiza, Josue Celso Marcillo Ñacato, Oliver Ramos-Álvarez
2024,9(2);    307 Views
Abstract Physical Education goes beyond the development of motor skills; it also includes cognitive, social and affective aspects. The aim of this research was to analyse the pedagogical perspectives and curricular approaches of the national physical education curricula by competences in South American countries. A systematic review was carried out by searching several Latin American databases due to the characteristics of the study, 2985 documents were collected, from which 22 were selected. An analysis of the similarities of the pedagogical perspectives and curricular approaches used in the physical education curricula by competences was carried out, which will allow educational authorities to make informed decisions for the implementation of changes and improvements in the teaching-learning process.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Felipe Morales, Catalina Sobarzo, Juan Hurtado Almonacid, Jacqueline Páez Herrera
2024,9(2);    274 Views
Abstract As a result of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, the performance of mass physical activities and face-to-face classes have considerably decreased in the spaces for the stimulation of motor development and, consequently, the levels of physical activity in the school population. The objective of this article is to determinate the effect of the implementation of a physical-educational intervention based on gamification in specific and compound motor skills in schoolchildren. The study involved 25 students from a private school of Valparaíso, Chile (12 women and 13 men from third and fourth grade). The test of Gross Motor Development Second Edition (TGMD-2) was applied to measure motor development level on students. As a function of the 12-week intervention, motor development was improved according to the Wilcoxon test with a significance of p = 0.019 in locomotion, p = 0.013 in manipulation and p = 0.006 in total motor development. Based on the results, it was concluded that a 12-week intervention based on the gamification method can improve the motor development of students in this age range.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Debendra Kumar Sahu, Subash Chandra Nath, Bhubaneswari Bisoyi, Arya Kumar
2024,9(2);    696 Views
Abstract The present research investigates the potential for women’s economic involvement to bring about transformational outcomes, specifically focusing on developing countries. This study explores how women’s engagement in economic activities might effectively address poverty and promote gender equality. This study examines the emerging landscape of internet enterprises, providing a crucial opportunity for women who face limitations due to household and societal factors. This study adopts a scholarly perspective by examining the implementation of Common Service Centres (CSCs) by the Indian government. It employs a comprehensive research approach that integrates qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The primary objective is to analyze the usage of government programs, specifically focusing on the engagement of rural women entrepreneurs with CSCs and internet connectivity. The results derived from a comprehensive examination of secondary data and surveys conducted among CSCs and small women-owned offline firms in Chhattisgarh highlight the significant impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on the dissemination of information. The advent of ICT and the integration of CSCs in banking activities have ushered in profound changes in our economic landscape. Cost reduction and increased knowledge accessibility through technological advancements have been instrumental.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Susan Tee Suan Chin
2024,9(2);    877 Views
Abstract The business environment has been unstable and unpredictable. In the past few years, the business world has seen not only natural causes but also human causes which affects the stability of the environment. The COVID-19 and riots are some examples of these situations which influences the future of the business environment. Despite of all these uncertainties, business leaders need to be able to formulate strategies that will see the organisation sustaining to the future. It was argued that employee’s attitudes influenced by the level of emotional intelligence would be a strong competence towards sustaining and sustainability. To examine this relationship between emotional intelligence and sustaining business performance, a local manufacturing organisation in Selangor was chosen. A total of 110 executives in the organisation participated in the study. The GENOS emotional intelligence questionnaire was used in the study. Based on the findings, emotional intelligence does sustain the performance of the organisation.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Susan Tee Suan Chin
2024,9(2);    318 Views
Abstract The recent Covid 19 pandemic has disrupted the operations of many organisations around the world. Many employees had to change their work arrangements, by working at home. This was the work arrangement for about 1 and half years from 2020 until 2021. Towards the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, many employees are happy to be able to resume their almost normal work arrangements. After working from remote places, the transition to return to normal would need some changes in habits and behaviour. The purpose of this paper is to examine the contribution of emotional intelligence and non verbal behaviour in enhancing the workplace relationship. A successful organisation has been chosen for this study. All of their executives took part in this analysis. The Genos emotional intelligence questionnaire has been used to collect the data from the respondents. From the analysis, it was found that both emotional intelligence and non verbal behaviour enhances the workplace relationship.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Lin Chen, Sharipah Ruzaina Syed Aris, Mohd Khairezan Rahmat
2024,9(2);    1120 Views
Abstract In the sphere of preschool and elementary education, new interactive technologies built on intelligent mobile devices and auxiliary applications have drawn increasing attention. Based on the UTAUT2 (The expanding of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology) theoretical model, the purpose of this study is to understand the situation of pre-school preschool teachers’ willingness to use mobile learning. This study conducted a survey on 329 in-service preschool teachers in 9 cities in Fujian Province, China, and conducted data analysis through statistical analysis software SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) 22.0 and AMOS (Analyze of Moment Structures) 22.0, verifying the UTAUT2 model in Effectiveness in understanding in-service early childhood teachers’ intention to move to learn. The results of structural equation modeling show that the proposed model has acceptable fitting data. The results of the study show that in-service preschool teachers have the willingness to actively accept mobile learning. Among many influencing factors, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, learning value, habit have significantly impact on behavioral intention to accept mobile learning. In addition, hedonic motivation did not support to affect behavioral intention and habit to affect use behavior. The study has important implications for researchers, educators, policy makers and mobile learning app designers.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Shuoyu Tao, Yang Xi
2024,9(2);    1039 Views
Abstract Background: As a platform for value co-creation, branded virtual communities retain a large amount of user-generated content, which not only serves as a convenient way for brands to grasp consumer preferences but also influences the purchasing intentions of users themselves and other users. Methods: This paper takes the Lululemon Weibo community and Xiaohongshu community as an example, firstly, the paper uses Python to capture the text content generated by the members of the two communities, and then we clean and pre-process the acquired content. After that, with the help of the LDA model and the confusion evaluation index, we thematize the content generated by the members of the two communities and identify the hot topics. Finally, the paper makes a comparative analysis of the hot topics in the two Lululemon virtual communities. Results: Members of the two virtual communities pay attention to same topics like “Wear Sharing”, “Life Sharing” and “Product Design”. But there are still differences in the focus and constitution of the two communities. Conclusions: Enterprises can identify the hot topics through their brand virtual communities, which provide the basis for the motivation of user-generated content within the community, as well as provide inspiration for enterprises to output content and marketing within the community; enterprises also need to ensure that members of the community continue to participate in community interactions and to ensure that the quality of user-generated content. High-quality user-generated content not only provides companies with effective information but also but also retains old members and attracts new members. Therefore, this paper also provides suggestions for enterprises from three perspectives: community content, community atmosphere, and platform environment.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Jie Ma, Tsai Ping Heng
2024,9(2);    267 Views
Abstract Music aesthetic education can affect people’s emotions through hearing, thereby directly affecting their hearts, sublimating their emotions, and eventually purifying their hearts. Music can enrich college students’ imagination and also make them fully relaxed, thereby making their personality livelier and more cheerful and enabling them to better complete their learning tasks. This study proposes a curriculum design of music education based on the research on the regulating effect of music education on college students’ mental health (MH). Results indicated that music aesthetic appreciation has evident intervention effect on the overall level of MH and interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, and terror of the experimental group. Accordingly, the curriculum of music education in colleges and universities runs through the appreciation of classic classics with a vertical line of music historical development. Hence, students are able to appreciate popular songs and also understand the musical styles and aesthetic orientations in certain stages of music development. Therefore, the proposed music education course takes the adjustment of college students’ MH as the guiding ideology, emphasizes the main position of students’ MH, encourages students to actively construct knowledge, strengthens cooperation and communication, and better completes teaching tasks.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Jesus Miguel Parra
2024,9(2);    318 Views
Abstract Emotional regulation is closely connected to classroom learning, so the influence of the family on the child’s emotional regulation capacities is an important factor to consider. The objective of this study was to obtain working knowledge of the skills and cognition possessed by a group of parents in relation to their parental competences linked to emotional regulation of their children, and identify the strengths, weaknesses, and potentials of these parental competences. The research was carried out through a qualitative methodological design, based on the knowledge, skills, and practices that parents have on the emotional regulation of their children, considering that these practices are key to classroom learning and therefore to academic performance. As a methodological strategy of the investigation, the case study will be used, with a sample of a group of 28 fathers and mothers, with infant-age children (0–12 years) obtained through a network of parents and an Infant School in Madrid (Spain). Through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, the knowledge, skills, and practices that these parents carry out in the emotional regulation of their children were discovered. Concluding that it is necessary to reinforce some parental skills for improve the emotional regulation of their children, through courses, seminars, and family educational workshops, to put them into practice in a positive way, since this will influence learning (through motivation, communication, self-esteem, etc.).
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Angellie Williady, Hak-Seon Kim
2024,9(2);    236 Views
Abstract Temple visit and Templestay is a unique cultural experience that allows individuals to take a break from their busy daily lives and immerse themselves in a peaceful and calming environment. Temple visit and stay are often associated with Buddhist practices, but temple stays are not necessarily religious in nature. Through meditation, mindfulness, and other practices, it provides individuals with an opportunity to disconnect from the stresses of modern life. Using big data analysis, this study aims to measure the satisfaction levels of Templestay participants in Korea. Specifically, this study will examine seven temples in Seoul that offer Templestay programs. Through Google Travel’s online review derived from Outscraper. This study utilized R program and UCINET 6.0 in order to refine, process and visualize data in order to examine the attributes that influence customer satisfaction. The top 60 words are divided into four different clusters which are “Unique Experience”, “Facility”, “Value” and “Relaxing”. The following step was the use of SPSS to carry out an exploratory factor analysis and linear regression analysis. The linear regression analysis indicated “relaxing” and “value” variables are positively affecting customer satisfaction.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Iyus Yosep, Ai Mardhiyah, Suryani Suryani, Henny Suzana Mediani, Helmy Hazmi
2024,9(2);    1615 Views
Abstract The phenomenon of bullying among students in schools has increased rapidly. Cases of bullying among students cause various problems such as stress, depression, anxiety, and even problems with academic abilities. Exploring the experiences of bullying among students is necessary to determine the incidents of bullying experienced by students. The aim of this research is to explore the experiences of bullying experienced by students at school. The method used was qualitative study with semi-structured interviews regarding experiences of bullying among students. The sample used in this research was 10 students aged 15–18 at school in Bandung Barat, West Java, Indonesia who had experienced bullying. The results showed that the experience of bullying in students has three themes, namely verbal bullying, physical bullying, and cyberbullying. Various experiences of bullying in students cause psychological problems. Students become insecure at school because of bullying they have experienced. Bullying can be in the form of harassment, physical humiliation, insults with low grades, and sudden beatings. Bullying victims said that the perpetrators of bullying were mostly upperclassmen to their younger classmates, so bullying was also caused by the power relationship between the perpetrator and the victim. Bullying behavior in schools requires special handling by schools to make policies to prevent bullying. So that further research is needed on the factors that cause bullying in adolescents at school.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Yangang Yang, Li Feng
2024,9(2);    206 Views
Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between sleep-wake type, resilience, and depression in minority college students. Through the method of cluster sampling, 791 first-year students of a college in Hunan Province participated in a survey using the Questionnaire Star software, and chi-square tests and logistic regression analysis were performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 26 software. The results showed that the depression-detection rate among girls was significantly higher than that among boys; the depression-detection rate among students who did not like the current major was higher than that among those who did; while the depression-detection rate among students with the intermediate-sleep type was higher than that among those with the night-sleep (late to bed and late to rise) and early-morning sleep (early to bed and early to rise) types. The depression-detection rate among students with low resilience was higher than that among those with medium and high resilience. In addition, the night- and intermediate-sleep types were more likely to predict students’ depression than the morning-sleep type, and low and medium resilience were more likely to predict students’ depression than high resilience.
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Open Access
Review Articles
by Haiyan Huo, Fauziah Sh. Ahmad, Bryan Teoh
2024,9(2);    868 Views
Abstract Consumers all over the world are constantly adjusting their dietary habits, and organic food has attracted consumers’ attention due to its health and safety characteristics, which makes the organic industry flourish. The factors that affect consumer decisions to purchase organic food are also of great interest to academia. However, there is a lack of systematic and thorough synthesis of the results of the existing study, which are somewhat broad and dispersed. This study aims to synthesize and analyze the existing research on the factors that influence consumers’ purchase decisions of organic food, with a focus on 51 papers extracted from the Web of Science database using the PRISMA method. First, the basic status of the selected papers was analyzed (including publication year, theory, method, and region), then three categories of significant factors were identified by comparative research of the literature as influencing customers’ organic buying behavior: customer-related, product-specific, and external factors. The result contributes to the growth of the organic food industry and aids academics in understanding the current state of consumers’ consumption behavior of organic foods. Finally, plausible gaps were explored in the existing literature and a tentative research agenda for future researchers was proposed.
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Open Access
by Najibullah Loodin
2024,9(2);    1120 Views
Abstract While access to safe and reliable water for domestic purposes is the basic need of human beings, inequality in access to reliable water is a major challenge in Global South (GS). Drawing on sociology of emotion, this article aims to explore the struggles of low-income communities in water acquisition in Global South, focusing on a case study of New Delhi. Although a large body of literature has analyzed the emotional distress of local communities in access to drinking water in GS, the discourse of ‘why and who’ triggers such emotional distress in contemporary cities has largely remained unappreciated. It was argued that influential elites and high-income residents, who wield significant influence in decision-making processes concerning water supply system in major cities including New Delhi, contribute to the marginalization and exclusion of underprivileged communities, thereby fueling the emotional distress of the disenfranchised communities.
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