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The effect of social media on open innovation mediated by knowledge construction process (the case of study: Employees of Mashhad airline agencies)

Seyed Mohammad Hashem Hosseini, Omid Behboodi

Article ID: 1944
Vol 9, Issue 4, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 597 (Abstract) 338 (PDF)


Marketing in tourism industry has been done in different eras based on the media available to managers of this industry. With the emergence of new media, the type of marketing activity has also changed. Employees’ skills are also important and the success of the individual or the organization depends on committed and expert human resources. Therefore, the present research aimed to explore the mediating role of knowledge construction process in the relationship between social media and open innovation of employees of Mashhad airline agencies. The research population consisted of all employees of airline agencies in Mashhad. The sample size was estimated using a convenience sampling method. The final size was estimated at 348. The data collection instrument was a standard questionnaire used to check the validity of the construct using confirmatory factor analysis. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and composite reliability were used to measure reliability. The results substantiated the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The data analysis was used through a structural equation modeling in Smart PLS. The results showed that the use of social media affected open innovation and knowledge construction. The use of knowledge construction is effective in open innovation. The knowledge construction process mediates the relationship between social media and open innovation.


social media use; open innovation culture; knowledge construction process; religious tourism

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