Vol. 9 No. 4 (2024)

Table of Contents

Open Access
Research Articles
by Seyed Mohammad Hashem Hosseini, Omid Behboodi
2024,9(4);    612 Views
Abstract Marketing in tourism industry has been done in different eras based on the media available to managers of this industry. With the emergence of new media, the type of marketing activity has also changed. Employees’ skills are also important and the success of the individual or the organization depends on committed and expert human resources. Therefore, the present research aimed to explore the mediating role of knowledge construction process in the relationship between social media and open innovation of employees of Mashhad airline agencies. The research population consisted of all employees of airline agencies in Mashhad. The sample size was estimated using a convenience sampling method. The final size was estimated at 348. The data collection instrument was a standard questionnaire used to check the validity of the construct using confirmatory factor analysis. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and composite reliability were used to measure reliability. The results substantiated the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The data analysis was used through a structural equation modeling in Smart PLS. The results showed that the use of social media affected open innovation and knowledge construction. The use of knowledge construction is effective in open innovation. The knowledge construction process mediates the relationship between social media and open innovation.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Yasna Anabalón Anabalón, Marcela Concha Toro, Nelly Lagos San Martín, Carlos Ossa Cornejo, Emmanuel Vega Román
2024,9(4);    624 Views
Abstract The objective of this study was to describe the perceptions of school coexistence in primary and secondary school teachers from establishments in the Ñuble region. The methodology applied was quantitative, descriptive in nature and transectional in nature. The sample was made up of 51 participants to whom an open-response questionnaire was applied in online format under the Google forms platform. Among the results, it was found that school coexistence is understood as a permanent interaction between the various educational agents associated with values such as respect, empathy, active listening, solidarity, responsibility, understanding of emotions and tolerance. There is a tendency to use a socio-emotional approach over others. While, the documented dimensions are related to curricular pedagogy, organizational-administrative, participatory and conflict management. It is essential to implement tools and strategies to promote interpersonal relationships between the various actors of the institution and thus mitigate or correct problems of this nature.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Mohd Syukri Madnor, Aizul Nahar Harun, Faizah Che Ros
2024,9(4);    456 Views
Abstract As a result of changes in climate factors, the number of natural hazards has become more frequent. To achieve optimal governance of disaster risk, it is essential to consider climate change and modify the strategy so that it aligns with the agenda for reducing disaster risk. This paper’s findings are the result of a qualitative methodology that included a review of the literature on the topic DRR and CCA relates to both international and domestic policy in Malaysia. It discovered gaps in the convergence of DRR and CCA in terms of policy formulation, governance systems, and linkage among actors. To close the gaps, a comprehensive approach that involves multi-level governance as well as multi-sectoral initiatives through multiple disciplinary methods would be required. This necessitates a governance system that encourages the participation of actors from both domains in order to achieve greater sustainable development and climate risk management.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Saloni Devi, Babita Yadav, Divya Goel, Sukhmeet Kaur, Sanjay Bhoyar
2024,9(4);    434 Views
Abstract The most crucial resource for any corporation to succeed in the competitive business environment of today is its human capital. The additional responsibility of incorporating green HR ideals into the company’s mission statement along with HR strategies has been assigned to modern HR leaders as a means of accomplishing sustainable environmental goals. In today’s business world, the phrase “green human resource management” (GHRM) has gained popularity, and its significance is expanding in a variety of ways. For obtaining organizational sustainability, the field of “green human resource management” (GHRM) is special since it focuses on energizing eco-friendly implementation and dynamic green transformation. This research aims to ascertain how GHRM affects organizational sustainability. The total 236 staff members of University of Jammu’s staff in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir provided the information. In the study, an AMOS-based structural equation modelling (SEM) strategy was used. Additionally, the fit and validity of the model were assessed using CFA. Further, the outcomes of SEM demonstrated that GHRM and organizational sustainability are directly related. The article thus suggests a few potentially innovative HR benefits for environmentally conscious firms. Human resources also have a significant chance to support the organization’s environmental mission and is crucial in motivating, empowering, and inspiring staff to adopt enticing green business practices.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Roberto S. Bondoc Jr.
2024,9(4);    299 Views
Abstract Technology shaped the educational system since it enabled teachers to build several instructional methods that are both flexible and effective. It is undeniable that the use of ICT-aided teaching strategies in physical education enable the Physical Education (PE) teachers to adapt to the shifting educational environment. It has been established that several forms of ICT-aided methods were utilized by physical education teachers based on the applicability of these strategies and the teachers’ abilities to put them into practice. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of ICT-aided strategies across HEIs and secondary schools. There were total of 130 PE instructors from HEIs and secondary schools who participated in the study. Descriptive-comparative design was employed to emphasize the need to determine how nominal characteristics influenced competencies. Notably, the findings indicated that demonstration-based assessment was applicable among HEIs because of the intensive physical education curriculum. Male PE instructors were more competent in applying formative assessment and demonstration-based assessment. Competency of PE instructors within these metrics was remarkably high with an emphasis on self-efficacy. Teachers’ engagement to ICT-aided strategies reflected their teaching competencies having traces of motivational, leniency, and flexible learning. Limitations of the study represent the need to assess other factors that were relevant in teaching other that being described (e.g., social, economic, organizational). Nevertheless, ICT-aided strategies transformed the competencies of PE instructors towards sustainable learning in new normal.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Nevzat Shemsedini, Donjeta Spahiu, Bujar Obertinca
2024,9(4);    488 Views
Abstract Study: The study aimed to identify the actuality of prone depression. At its center is the level of depression, which is what analyzes those who want to have children with physical immaturity, as well as the techniques needed for his issues, seeing him related to a range of issues: what is this physiological immaturity, why there is a need to get accurate information about it, the psychological state of parents with children with physiological immaturity and coping with it, and the impact of children with physiological immaturity on other family members. Purpose: The objectives of the study dealing with depression related to depression were to find gender differences in the level of depression in children with physiological immaturity, for the reason that some of them are those whose targets hypothesized that children with physiological immaturity are at a moderate level” and the second hypothesis: “Women as parents have a higher level of depression than men as parents. Methodology: A sample of 70 participants was independently surveyed, and the measuring instrument was Beck’s inventory for depression as well as demographic data to determine the gender of participants. Before determining the inventory, the parents were explained the purpose of realizing that some of the data that will be obtained will remain anonymous and confidential. The data from the results supports our hypothesis: physiological immaturity is moderate. As well as t -test analysis, it was shown that the female gender has a higher level of depression than the male gender. Results: To derive the results obtained from the paper, we used the t -test analysis, which showed that there are differences between women (between 21.79 + 5.2) and men (between 17.91 + 6.1) in terms of the level of depression. It seems that women showed higher levels of depression ( t = –2.844, p = 0.006).
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Mohd Hafizul Ismail, Nurashikin Saaludin, Siti Nur Dina Haji Mohd Ali
2024,9(4);    212 Views
Abstract This study aimed to assess the foreign language (FL) students’ readiness due to the transition from traditional face-to-face learning to full-scale online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. For data collection, an online questionnaire was used to gather data from 227 FL students from public and private universities. Online communication self-efficacy, self-directed learning, learner control, motivation of learning, and computer/internet self-efficacy are the five variables used to evaluate the students’ readiness for online learning (OLR). The results revealed that most FL students are prepared for online learning, with computer/internet self-efficacy ranking as the most important OLR component. Additionally, it was discovered that the students were confident using the internet to search for the information they required for their online courses. There were no significant variations in perceptions across all the variables according to the respondents’ gender and places of education. However, students from different program levels showed significantly contrasting opinions on self-directed learning in which the bachelor’s degree students were more ready for online learning in comparison to the diploma students. It becomes apparent that Internet connectivity also plays an important role in influencing the students’ OLR. These findings will assist Malaysian universities in mapping out consistent policies and guidelines in the curriculum and improving the quality of online learning.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Antonio Fernández-Castillo, Nuria Roldán-Molina, Elena V. Vílchez-Fernández
2024,9(4);    299 Views
Abstract Background: As in any important exam, selective assessment tests for access to university in Spain are associated with emotional distress, depressive symptoms, and burnout, among other negative aspects in the students who face them. In the present study, we propose to explore the presence of burnout and suicidal ideation in students who take these exams. Methods: For this purpose, we worked with a sample of 872 students aged from 17 to 24 of the last course of high school who were going to take the university access evaluation test in Spain. Of them, 476 (55%) were assessed three months before the test, and 390 (45%) were assessed on the days of the examination. Results: Our results showed significant levels of burnout in these students as well as positive suicidal ideation. Furthermore, higher levels of burnout are associated with higher levels of suicidal ideation in the participants, having found that the students could present suicidal ideation months before taking the test. Conclusions: Our results are novel and highly relevant, bearing in mind that these aspects had not received much attention in our national context, where the selective test is an indispensable requirement for access to university.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Carlos Junior Estupiñan-Alberco, Heber Isac Arbildo-Vega, Carlos Alberto Farje-Gallardo, Franz Tito Coronel-Zubiate
2024,9(4);    288 Views
Abstract To determine the influence of parents on the development of healthy oral hygiene habits in children. A basic, descriptive, prospective, and cross-sectional research was carried out using a 15-question questionnaire instrument, with which information on the educational level, age, and sex of the parents was collected. In order to determine the adjustment of the probability distributions to each other, the non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied. Subsequently, the statistical tests of Kendall’s Tau and Spearman’s Correlation were used at a significance level of p < 0.05. Most parents demonstrated a medium level of knowledge and attitude toward the importance of maintaining primary dentition, regardless of their educational level, gender, or age. However, the study did not find significant relationships between these factors and knowledge or attitude on the topic. Similarly, attitude showed average levels in general, with no critical relationship with education, gender, or age. Parents generally had a medium level of knowledge and attitude, regardless of their educational status, gender, or age. There are no significant relationships found between these factors (education, sex, and age) and the level of knowledge and attitude about the importance of preserving primary dentition.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Klymentova Olena
2024,9(4);    400 Views
Abstract The article explores communicative dynamism of stereotypical ideas about Muslims in predominantly Christian Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current substitution features of Islamic values objectified by the Russian-Ukrainian war. The research methodology is based on the modern scientific media linguistic approaches to religion communication and religious ideologemes. In particular, attention is paid to the ideologeme of Jihad, which is used in the motivational practice of international recruiting as media technique. The research also reveals and examines semantic components of the media conceptualization of OWN and ALIEN Muslim. The results show that negative stereotypes of Muslims are used in the hybrid war as a cognitive tool of psychological pressure on and intimidation of Ukrainians. Stereotypes can also acquire the forms of power and control used by religious leaders and political institutions in mass media. The communicative specificity of stereotypical representations of Ukrainians is analyzed within the framework of religious marketing research.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Jie Wang, Qingfang Zhang, Peng Wang
2024,9(4);    285 Views
Abstract More and more people over-rely on social software, which causes anxiety due to their failure to check work information in time. However, this type of scale has not been developed yet. The objective of this study was to develop a measurement tool for early childhood teachers’ fear of missing out on work information and verify its reliability and validity. Based on the Fear of Missing Out Scale developed by Przybylski et al. this paper with the methods of interview and Delphi investigation, re-developed the Fear of Missing Out Scale for early childhood teachers’ work information. The exploratory factor analysis showed that the scale was divided into two dimensions, and the confirmatory factor analysis data showed that the scale had good convergent validity. The retest results of the scale showed that the scale had high stability. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were in line with the requirements of measurement, and it was an effective measurement tool for evaluating early childhood teachers’ fear of missing out on work information. Taking 270 early childhood teachers in Guangzhou as the subjects, the data showed that the fear of missing out on work information of early childhood teachers in Guangzhou was at a moderate level. The teacher’s teaching grade had no significant impact on the early childhood teachers’ fear of missing out on work information, but teaching experience had a significant negative impact on the fear of missing out on work information.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Ali Osman Uymaz, Pelin Uymaz, Yakup Akgül
2024,9(4);    572 Views
Abstract This study examines physicians’ attitudes toward the intention to use AI doctors in healthcare. Currently, physicians use smart health technologies, health data, and AI in disease-focused research hospitals, and industry regulators hope that AI technology will be extensively used for each person, which means a shift from disease-centric to individual-centric healthcare. Using the theory of technology acceptance and use, a research model was developed to understand physicians’ intentions to use AI doctors for data collection, diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient follow-up. The causal comparison screening technique was used to determine the causes and consequences of physicians’ attitudes, behaviors, ideas, and beliefs. The responses of 478 physicians were evaluated using structural equation modeling and deep learning (an artificial neural network). It was discovered that physicians intend to use AI doctors first for diagnosis and treatment planning, and then for data collection and patient follow-up. According to the findings, the main constructs are performance expectancy, perceived task technology fit, high-tech habits, and hedonic motivation.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Yakup Akgul, Ali Osman Uymaz, Pelin Uymaz
2024,9(4);    579 Views
Abstract The influence of COVID-19 on educational processes has halted physical forms of teaching and learning and initiated online and mobile learning systems in most countries. The provision and usage of online and e-learning systems are becoming the main challenge for many universities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the novelty of this situation, a substantial amount of research has been carried out to investigate the issue of m-learning adoption or acceptance. Nevertheless, little is known about studying to examine the continued use of m-learning, which is still in short supply and calls for further research. Five different theoretical models are integrated into this study to develop an integrated model that overcomes this limitation, including the technology acceptance model, the theory of planned behavior, the expectation-confirmation model, the Delone and McLean Information System Success Model, and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Utilization of Technology 2. This conceptual framework shows novel relationships between variables by integrating trust, personal innovation, learning value, instructor quality, and course quality. Unlike extant literature, this study utilized a hybrid analysis methodology combining two-stage analysis using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and evolving artificial intelligence named deep learning (Artificial Neural Network [ANN]) on 250 usable responses. The sensitivity analysis results revealed that attitude has the most considerable effect on the continued use of m-learning, with 100% normalized importance, followed by perceived usefulness (88%), satisfaction (77%), and habit (61%). This research reveals that a “deep ANN architecture” may determine the non-linear relationships between variables in the theoretical model. Further theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Karma Yezer, Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom, Warawude Rurkwararuk
2024,9(4);    502 Views
Abstract This study analyses the relationships among “GNH in corporation”, employees’ psychological capital and employees’ performance within the business corporations of Bhutan. Since no prior studies have been conducted to assess the connections among the variables of GNH in corporation (as independent variable), employee psychological capital (as mediator) and the employee performance (as dependent variable), the objective of the research was to bridge this knowledge gap. The data were collected from 511 full-time employees of Druk Holding and Investments Ltd (DHIL) and its six owned companies. The test result indicates that GNH in corporation determines both employees’ psychological capital and employee performance. Most importantly, the employee psychological capital is found to fully mediate the influence of GNH in corporation on employee performance. This was ascertained based on mediation analysis using bootstrapping technique. The research framework was developed after synthesizing existing relevant theories and identifying appropriate procedures and methods; this research thus extends the current literature theoretically and methodologically. Also, the specific findings shall have practical implications, especially for managers and leaders of business corporations.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Jing Zhang, Baoxin Chen, Xiuquan Huang, Xi Wang
2024,9(4);    285 Views
Abstract With the time frame 1912–1949, and according to the recording in the government gazettes and Chinese press, this essay systematically discusses the powerful and effective measures and achievements in cholera prevention, epidemic prevention, and infectious disease control of the Macao-Portuguese government. Meanwhile, it analyzes and investigates the cooperation and interaction in cholera prevention between the Macao and Hong Kong governments and emphasizes the critical significance of regional developments of Macao’s cholera prevention and control, that is, with the internal control to lower incidence and external control to minimize importation and diffusion, the aim to control cholera was achieved thus allayed the public panic among Macao and perimeter zone, creating advantages to stabilize economic development, social order and peaceful living environment in Macao as well as other Cantonese regions. As one of the seaport cities that adopted the European medical system and model and implemented free cholera vaccination for all, the fighting process and measures of Macao-Portuguese government adopted to control the cholera epidemic show that cholera, a dreadful infectious disease, can be effectively managed as long as scientific and appropriate methods are taken. Sorting out the types and characteristics of infectious diseases in Macao during this period and the mechanism of combining medical and preventive treatment at that time, and analyzing the effectiveness of the administration of disease prevention and control by the Macao-Portuguese government and the limitations of governance under the conflict between Chinese and Portuguese will have important academic significance for understanding the efficiency and deficiency of Macao-Portuguese governance towards disease control, the construction, development and change of the urban public health emergency management system and the urban governance. The more important significance will bring to the urban public health emergency management system and the urban governance in modern China.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Sooraj Kumar Maurya, Amarbahadur Yadav
2024,9(4);    732 Views
Abstract In the educational sector, the COVID-19 pandemic sparked a slow but significant digital transformation that became especially evident in the spring of 2020. This article examines the growing trend of virtual learning environments and how it affects both educators and learners. With an emphasis on the experiences, feelings, and perceptions of the students, the research explores the complexities and difficulties resulting from the swift shift to online learning. This article highlights the significance of incorporating student feedback to improve virtual learning environments, even in the face of technological advancements. The idea that educational institutions have successfully transitioned to online instructional methodologies is challenged by examining the sudden and somewhat haphazard shift to online classrooms and assessments. In order to prepare in a better way for upcoming academic opportunities and the long-term evolution of higher education, it is imperative to reflect and gain insights as this momentous educational transformation, especially in university settings, comes to an end. The article critically analyzes the differences in technological access and instructional competencies in addition to highlighting the benefits of the pandemic-induced digital transformation in industries other than education. This article offers a fair analysis of the COVID-19-related digital revolution in education, recognizing both its positive and negative aspects.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Melinda J. Knuth, Alicia L. Rihn, Bridget K. Behe, Charles R. Hall
2024,9(4);    288 Views
Abstract Increasing concern regarding mental health has gripped the world since the COVID-19 Pandemic began. Research has well-documented the benefits plants bring to human life, including improved physical and mental well-being. Improved mental health may be related to physical activity as well as a positive outlook for the future. The objective was to assess the relationship between future consequence concerns and physical activity with mental health. Mental and physical health scales were employed in an online survey on the Qualtrics platform recruiting subjects from the Toluna survey panel. Results show a greater focus on future consequences and physical activity were related to improved mental health. Greater mental health was related to plant expenditures and the number of types of plants purchased. Implications for live plant marketers are that physically active, future-focused individuals are more likely to buy more types of plants and spend money on those plants compared to individuals who are less future-focused and physically active. Imagery including physically active and arguably happy persons may help potential customers better relate to products offered for sale.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Marcelino M. Espartero, Kier P. Dela Calzada, Rosalina T. Del Prado
2024,9(4);    1833 Views
Abstract As schools continue to adjust to changing circumstances, it is essential to use strategies that not only help students learn, but also interest and inspire them. More effective and engaging learning experiences can be created with the use of knowledge on how different strategies affect students’ levels of interest. This quantitative study aimed to analyze the interest levels of students in solving mathematical problems as mediated by different teaching ideas/strategies i.e., with gamification, with graphic and visuals, and with digital resources. Likert-scale was used to code and assign weight for the questionnaire. Findings indicated that interest levels of students were high during distance learning because they can access online resources (e.g., search engines, YouTube, e-books) to be used for independent learning. In face-to-face classes, students reported high level of interest in solving mathematical problems if there are learning aids (e.g., graphs, pictures, charts) presented to them and access to online resources. As suggested, teaching strategies require teachers to focus more on visual and online-assisted learning to make students feel interested in solving mathematical problems and in learning mathematical concepts. The findings offered teachers an opportunity to integrate more on innovative teaching through adapting to resources which their students have access to. Such instructional direction required in-depth assessment to establish some novel instructional strategies that stimulate students to learn more.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Natalia Miloradova, Ivan Okhrimenko, Nataliia Bilevych, Ihor Bloshchynskyi, Nataliia Pashko, Volodymyr Bondar, Olha Palyvoda
2024,9(4);    321 Views
Abstract Communication plays an important role in the work of investigators and determines their performance throughout their professional career. Investigators’ communication skills ensure the establishment and development of business contacts with various categories of participants in professional relationships, and allow them to formulate profitable interaction strategies. Therefore, in the professional training of cadets i.e., future investigators, developing their communication skills is an important applied task. The research aims to investigate the communication skills of cadets of investigative specialization (future investigators) in the process of their professional training. The research was conducted using psychodiagnostic tools among cadets of the investigative specialization of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs ( n = 597). It has been established that most of the subjects of interest have stable manifestations of the ability to form the skill to apply justified models of behavior during communication; they reveal a gradual development of the ability to navigate in situations of professional interaction and adapt to new living conditions. Two main variants of manifestation of the communication abilities of cadets i.e., future investigators with participants of interpersonal interaction have been identified: 1) with a predominant tendency to independence, leadership, and dominance; 2) with responsibility, focus on cooperation, and coherence with others. The results of the research confirm the influence of professional training on the process of communication skills formation in cadets i.e., future investigators.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Anirudh Shidganesh, Ram Manohar Singh
2024,9(4);    419 Views
Abstract Perceived Military to Civilian Transition is the subjective experience of transition from military institution to the civilian institution due to voluntary or involuntary retirement from military service reflected by changes in vocation, social, health and family domains of life. This study aims to develop a psychometric tool for evaluating Perceived Military to Civilian Transition. Three studies were conducted by cross-sectional surveys (Study 1 N = 25, Study 2 N = 82, Study 3 N = 400) using the purposive snowball sampling among Ex-Servicemen in India. Study 1–16 Items were generated on 5-point rating scale. Study 2-Items were reduced to 9, based on psychometric scrutiny. First order EFA reveals three latent factors reflecting changes in vocation and health (3 items), family (2 items), and social domain (4 items). Second order EFA confirms presence of one higher order factor. Study 3-CFA performed using ULS estimation method for Higher order model provides empirical support for the PMCT scale having adequate model fit Chi.Sq. = 142.29, df = 24, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.98, NFI = 0.98, RFI = 0.97, SRMR = 0.05. The 9-item scale possesses satisfactory internal consistency reliability alpha (Study 2 = 0.80, Study 3 = 0.77) and composite reliability omega (Study 2 = 0.79, Study3 = 0.77). This paper contributes a reliable and valid psychometric tool for measuring Perceived Military to Civilian Transition for Indian Ex-servicemen.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by M. Vishali, Muhammed Shafi M.K
2024,9(4);    663 Views
Abstract Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) is an emerging investment avenue in India, encompassing various Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) mutual funds within the financial markets. This study adopts both an exploratory and empirical approach, aiming to provide historical insights into the landscape of SRI within India’s financial markets. The study’s objectives include elucidating the concept of SRI, assessing the performance of selected ESG funds in India, and examining the opportunities and challenges within this domain. To evaluate the effectiveness of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) funds, the study employs various risk-adjusted performance measures. Notably, the ICICI Prudential ESG Fund in the Direct Plan-Growth (FDPG) option demonstrates superior overall performance compared to other selected ESG fund schemes in India. Conversely, the Aditya Birla Sun Life ESG FDPG option ranks as the least performer when contrasted with other schemes within the Direct Plan-Growth category.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Mikkel Hjort, Michaela Høj, Sandra Weber, Kirsten K. Roessler
2024,9(4);    370 Views
Abstract One out of eight people worldwide struggles with mental health illnesses. The treatment is slowly shifting from a biomedical perspective, primarily paying attention to symptom reduction and medicine, towards a more holistic and recovery-oriented perspective. At the same time research shows that the outdoor environment can help relieve pain and stress and improve mental well-being. The study presents a practice-oriented method, inspired by evidence-based design, for developing a master plan for two outdoor gardens at a Mental Health Center in the Capital Region of Denmark. We aimed to provide guidelines for how to set up and perform a flexible design process that combines established knowledge with the needs of the patients and staff. The empirical data were collected through a systematic literature review, semi-structured interviews with patients and staff, workshops and presentations at two different mental health units. The two case studies showed good results in involving patients and staff in the design process and based on the findings of our study involving users. In conclusion, it was apparent that the use of interdisciplinary collaboration informed the design outcome. Based on the two cases, the following advice can be given to the architectural profession: Architects should integrate interdisciplinary knowledge into the design process of outdoor facilities for people with special needs. Interdisciplinary knowledge and user involvement complement each other by adding important site-specific details from the user to the more general design guidelines. This way, the design becomes more nuanced and customized to the users of a specific site. The study showed how architects can import knowledge, skills and values from other disciplines such as environmental psychology to improve the decision-making process of future projects for the benefits of mental patients.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Fei Gao, Mary Geraldine B. Gunaban
2024,9(4);    286 Views
Abstract College mental health education plays a crucial role in the well-being and overall development of students. It is closely related to their academic progress and quality of life, as well as their adaption to society upon graduation. In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated psychological problems among college students, which directly affect academic performance and overall campus experience. In this study, the current situation of mental health education at X University was selected as the research object. A random selection method was adopted, with a research sample of 381 individuals. Sample data were collected by means of questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. The weighted average was used to measure the compliance level of students’ mental health education management. The 4-point Likert scale, as shown in Table 1 , was utilized to evaluate the compliance of mental health education management among students at Linyi University. Through the research, the measures to improve the level of school mental health education and management are as follows: set up mental health courses, establish psychological counseling service stations, incorporate life education and resilience-building education into the curriculum, conduct mental health education training for all teachers, encourage the participation of psychological counselors in the professional development of mental health education, and promote communication and cooperation between schools. Besides, efforts should be made to strengthen the coordination between parents and social support institutions to improve the prevention and intervention capacity of psychological crises.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Anusha Pai, Sanobar Hassan, Dasharathraj K. Shetty, Sandeep S. Shenoy, Shreepathy Ranga Bhatta B., Nikita Panwar, Ankitha Shetty
2024,9(4);    2851 Views
Abstract Gastronomy tourism has become increasingly popular recently, drawing tourists looking for distinctive gastronomic experiences. For tourism organizations and destinations to succeed, it is crucial to comprehend the elements that go into client happiness in this area. This study attempts to dive into the thoughts of consumers and reveal how they view the crucial factors that influence their pleasure with gourmet tourism. The goal of this study is to find out what customers think are the most important parts of gastronomy tourism satisfaction based on their recent experiences. The study design is a cross-sectional survey that looks at different points in time. Convenience sampling, which is not based on chance, has been used. This study used a survey sampling technique and was based on the positivist paradigm of research. Method: A quantitative method (n = 300) called "structural equation modelling" was used. The study shows that, out of the five things that were looked at, convenience, creativity, and food quality are the most important for the success of gastronomy tourism. So, some conclusions have been made that will help managers in the tourism industry improve customer happiness. The results of this study could help both academics and people who work in the field. Gastronomy tourism is becoming more popular all over the world, but there are not a lot of scientific studies about it, especially when it comes to Indian tourists. So, this study can add to what is already known about this subject.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Yao Zhang, Delin Cai, Dongmei Zhang
2024,9(4);    421 Views
Abstract In the current research, we integrate distinct learning modalities—Curriculum Learning (CL) and Reinforcement Learning (RL)—in an attempt to develop and optimize Music Emotion Recognition (MER) in piano performance. Classical approaches have never been successful when applied in the field of determining the degree of emotion in the music of the piano, owing to the substantial complexity required. Addressing this particular issue is the primary motivation for the present endeavour. In an approach that’s comparable to how human beings acquire information, it trains the RL agent CL in phases; such an approach improves the student’s learning model in understanding the diverse emotions expressed by musical compositions. A higher rating of performance can be achieved after learning the model to recognize emotions more effectively and precisely. A set of piano melodies with emotional content notes has been included in the EMOPIA repository for use when conducting the process of evaluation. In order to benchmark the proposed approach with different models, parameters including R 2 , Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) were deployed. Studies indicate that the recommended approach accurately recognizes the emotions expressed by piano-playing music. In challenging tasks like MER, the significance of implementing the CL paradigm with the RL has been emphasized using the outcomes mentioned earlier.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Guannan Yao, Zuraina Dato’Mansor, Hazrina Binti Ghazali, Zhen Yan
2024,9(4);    870 Views
Abstract The development of the digital trade ecosystem heavily relies on the expansion of cross-border e-commerce (CBEC) platforms. CBEC companies are actively involved in digital transformation (DT) initiatives to bolster their core competencies and market share. E-commerce has experienced rapid growth in recent years, particularly since the global market faced significant disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. As the market continues to globalize, more Chinese entrepreneurs are shifting their focus towards the international arena. They aim to increase investments in high-tech productivity within their organizations while also concentrating on enhancing their dynamic managerial capabilities to drive transformation within cross-border e-commerce companies. Therefore, the current study examines how organizational DT impacts the management capabilities of Chinese cross-border e-commerce managers from the perspective of dynamic managerial capabilities. The research employed a mixed-method approach. Firstly, a bibliometric analysis was conducted using VOS Viewer and R studio. Data was collected from two databases, Web of Science and Scopus, to analyze publication trends across countries and identify journals with the highest number of publications and citations. This analysis aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the context of the subject. Secondly, seven in-depth interviews were conducted using purposive and chain-referral sampling techniques, drawing insights from CEOs based on their real-life experiences with organizational DT. The results of the study revealed that technology has led to the decentralization and flattening of organizational structures. Managers are increasingly using social platforms to connect with experts and potential collaborators. Furthermore, the study highlights the role of psychological support in bolstering dynamic managerial capabilities.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Sadhna Bagchi, Archa Agrawal, Kavita Kavita, Sunita Sunita, Jain Prabhu Thomas
2024,9(4);    211 Views
Abstract In the year 2020, when the global pandemic of COVID-19 emerged, individuals first exhibited a rather nonchalant attitude towards the acquisition of health insurance. However, as the devastating consequences of the virus became apparent through the substantial loss of lives among their familial, social, and kinship networks, individuals began to experience heightened concerns regarding their own health and potential complications. This study aims to investigate the correlation between the purchasing intention of health insurance and awareness, security, risk coverage and satisfaction. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of various factors on individuals’ decision-making process while selecting health insurance coverage. The objective of this research is to evaluate the moderating impact of education and occupation on the correlation between various traits and the decision to obtain health insurance. The researcher employed multiple regression analysis to evaluate the association, considering the moderating function of education and occupation as a moderating variable.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Kadriye Alev Akmese, Halil Akmese, Alper Ates, Isa Serhan Cihangir, Huseyin Keles, Ali Keles
2024,9(4);    344 Views
Abstract Women’s cooperatives are organizations that support women in taking an active role in production and economic structure. Local products, on the other hand, are important tourist attraction elements that express the cultural structure specific to a destination. Women’s cooperatives make it possible to use local gastronomic products as sustainable and touristic attractions. It is important to include women in planning within the framework of tourism in order to provide economic returns by using the female workforce effectively and efficiently. In this regard, it is aimed at determining the awareness and views of the Bor women’s cooperative operating in the province of Niğde on the production and marketing of gastronomic products. Secondary data was used as the research method, and the survey technique, one of the quantitative research methods, was applied in the study. As a consequence of the research, it was concluded that the women working in the cooperative supported the production and marketing of local gastronomic products within the context of tourism, and some recommendations have been presented accordingly.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Xiaobin Wu, Lizheng Zhuo
2024,9(4);    437 Views
Abstract In systematically collecting and investigating data related to the teaching field, the association between teachers’ Mental Health (MH) and Job Competence (JC) is an important field that has not been systematically studied. Understanding this association is vital due to its direct impact on the Quality of Education (QoE) and its standard educational system. Due to problems in evaluating all qualitative data, such as Open-Ended Survey Feedback (OESF), traditional models frequently find it challenging to epitomize intricate relations accurately. This article reports on these tasks by introducing a Mixed-Method Approach (MMA). The research study was directed through online learning across numerous higher education institutions in three provinces of China, and a combination analysis of quantitative study data using qualitative Sentiment Analysis (SA) was recommended. The new thing about the method is that it suggests an algorithm based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to SA that lets all of the qualitative data from the OESF questions be studied. This algorithm suggests a more philosophical knowledge of teachers’ MH and its association with their specialized skills overall OESF. The study’s results represent a significant insight into the dynamics between MH and JC related to College Teachers (CT). It highlights how every feature impacts others and the prerequisites for educational strategies supporting teacher well-being. By overcoming boundaries in existing models, the proposed work contributes to a broader and better knowledge of teacher well-being, its impact on educational quality, and the potential for SA in educational research. We compared how well three classifiers—Naïve Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Linear Regression (LR)—performed on six topics that were chosen for this SA research. The performance analysis for evaluation is accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The reliability of the OESF measures was confirmed with Cronbach’s alpha values signifying high internal consistency: 0.85 for JC, 0.88 for MH status, and 0.82 for innovative teaching ability.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Le Thanh Thao, Doan Phuong Uyen, Nguyen Thi Hai Nhu, Dong Dinh Nghi, Vo Huu Khanh, Ho Thanh Vy, Nguyen Thi Hong Sa, Nguyen Thanh Hieu Vy, Le Huu Huy
2024,9(4);    252 Views
Abstract This study embarked on an exploratory journey to understand the nuances of effective pedagogy within the context of a Research Methodology course. With a participant pool of 24 students, qualitative methodologies were employed to delve deep into their experiences, perceptions, and reflections. Several emergent themes underscored the dynamics of a successful learning environment. Collaborative learning stood out as a key facilitator of understanding, highlighting the value of peer interactions and group endeavors. The instructor’s mediatory role emerged as pivotal, acting as a bridge between content and comprehension. Participants highlighted the profound impact of integrating real-world applications to enhance conceptual clarity, making abstract concepts tangible and relevant. Reflective practices and feedback mechanisms were underscored as instrumental in deepening understanding and fostering growth, respectively. The intertwining of theory and practice, along with the instructor’s adaptability, were deemed essential for comprehensive learning. Furthermore, culturally relevant pedagogy emerged as a necessity, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between culture and cognition. Lastly, the motivational and encouraging role of the instructor significantly influenced the students’ commitment and enthusiasm. While these findings shed light on the intricate dance of effective pedagogy, they also pave the way for future research to further refine our understanding of optimal educational strategies.
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Open Access
Research Articles
by Oksana Isayeva, Myroslava Shumylo, Irena Khmilyar, Olga Zadorozhna, Rostyslav Dmytrasevych, Fangzhou Zhu
2024,9(4);    400 Views
Abstract A future medical practitioner is a holder of high moral qualities, possessing ethics and the method of aesthetic communication. A good command of aesthetic communication in nursing practice has a positive impact on achieving desired outcomes. The aim is to highlight the conceptual frame and the specificity of aesthetic communication for future nurses and how to implement it during the educational process. Analysis, synthesis, and systematization were used to shape the complex characteristics of developing aesthetic communication; comparative and descriptive methods were used to distinguish the effective features of aesthetic communication; the analytical method was applied to receive information about the theoretical and practical problems of developing aesthetic communication; and the Pearson test χ 2 was used as a statistical method to compare and verify the obtained data. The research involved 90 students of the nursing faculty at Andrey Krupynsky Lviv Medical Academy in Ukraine, divided into experimental and comparison groups. The results showed a high level of aesthetic communication in the experimental group (42%), versus the comparison group (22%). Students’ academic performance improved in four language skills: reading, speaking, listening, and writing competence. All students demonstrated significant improvement in speaking fluently due to the implementation of aesthetic communication exercises into the teaching process. Our suggested technique for teaching a basic course, “Professional English”, in combination with an optional course, “Aesthetic Communication,” works properly and should be implemented in other higher educational institutions, as good aesthetic communication skills are crucial in building a nurse-patient relationship.
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Open Access
Review Articles
by Nelly Lagos San Martín, Evelyn Gladys Zagal Valenzuela, Tavita Andrea Barriga Silva, Yasna Anabalón Anabalón, Verónica López-López
2024,9(4);    346 Views
Abstract Social-emotional learning programs have demonstrated effectiveness in the academic, personal and social success of students, as well as in the prevention of future difficulties. Therefore, the aim of the study was to analyze the scientific literature on the implementation of social-emotional education programs in primary education, disseminated in databases (Web of Sciences and Scopus) between 2010 and 2020. A total of 168 articles were reviewed and analyzed in terms of bibliometric indicators, such as: temporal production, by journals and by author, methodological approach, sources of information and thematic analysis. The main findings show a substantial increase in productivity during the year 2020, that the journals with the most publications on this topic are mostly from the United States, and that there is also an inclination towards quantitative research. Programs such as Positive Action (PA) and the Social Emotional Learning Program (SEL) stand out as the most widely disseminated.
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Open Access
Review Articles
by Khalid Mousa ALHarbi, Nik Intan Norhan BT. Abdul Hamid
2024,9(4);    730 Views
Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to review the existing literature of herding behavior and its relationship with retail investors’ decisions as well as its impact too to understand trend in the literature and some aspects relate to herd behavior. Herding occurs when individuals surrender their decision to a group and neglect their own beliefs to replicate others’ thoughts, feelings and actions. The study employed Prisma framework to review literature. It relied on intensive databases and sources such as Google scholar, Emerald, Elsevier, Springer, Research gate and Scopus. Literature studies have revealed tremendous empirical investigations about the impact of herding on retail investors’ decisions in the developed and developing countries. However, those studies have been filled the gap in the literature which relate to the relationship between herding and retail investors’ decision. This study aims to fill this gap by reviewing the literature on the relationship between herding and retail investors’ decision to figure out the trend of herd behavior. Therefore, the highlighting and reviewing of herding and its impact on retail investors decision might enrich the literature and assist researchers to determine gap in the field as well as determine new area need to be investigated. 
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