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Physical education by competencies in the South American context: Pedagogical perspectives and curricular approaches for the integral development of children
Richar Jacobo Posso-Pacheco
National Directorate of Educational Research, Ministry of Education of Ecuador
Bertha Susana Paz-Viteri
Pedagogy of Physical Activity and Sports Program, National University of Chimborazo
María Gladys Cóndor-Chicaiza
Ministry of Education of Ecuador, Antonio José de Sucre Educational Unit
Josue Celso Marcillo Ñacato
Pedagogy of Physical Activity and Sports Program, National Central University of Ecuador
Oliver Ramos-Álvarez
Department of Education of the Physical and Sports, University of Cantabria
Keywords: physical education, approach, curriculum, pedagogy, competences
Physical Education goes beyond the development of motor skills; it also includes cognitive, social and affective aspects. The aim of this research was to analyse the pedagogical perspectives and curricular approaches of the national physical education curricula by competences in South American countries. A systematic review was carried out by searching several Latin American databases due to the characteristics of the study, 2985 documents were collected, from which 22 were selected. An analysis of the similarities of the pedagogical perspectives and curricular approaches used in the physical education curricula by competences was carried out, which will allow educational authorities to make informed decisions for the implementation of changes and improvements in the teaching-learning process.
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