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Music education curriculum design based on the adjustment of college students’ mental health

Jie Ma, Tsai Ping Heng

Article ID: 2047
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 259 (Abstract) 210 (PDF)


Music aesthetic education can affect people’s emotions through hearing, thereby directly affecting their hearts, sublimating their emotions, and eventually purifying their hearts. Music can enrich college students’ imagination and also make them fully relaxed, thereby making their personality livelier and more cheerful and enabling them to better complete their learning tasks. This study proposes a curriculum design of music education based on the research on the regulating effect of music education on college students’ mental health (MH). Results indicated that music aesthetic appreciation has evident intervention effect on the overall level of MH and interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, and terror of the experimental group. Accordingly, the curriculum of music education in colleges and universities runs through the appreciation of classic classics with a vertical line of music historical development. Hence, students are able to appreciate popular songs and also understand the musical styles and aesthetic orientations in certain stages of music development. Therefore, the proposed music education course takes the adjustment of college students’ MH as the guiding ideology, emphasizes the main position of students’ MH, encourages students to actively construct knowledge, strengthens cooperation and communication, and better completes teaching tasks.


college students; mental health; music education

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