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Impact of para-social interaction on impulsive buying through live-streaming shopping website

Nurkhalida Makmor, Khalilah Abd Hafiz, Aimi Anuar, Fahimi Sofian

Article ID: 2089
Vol 9, Issue 5, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 1593 (Abstract) 1145 (PDF)


Nowadays, the capability of live-streaming commerce has contributed to billions of income worldwide. Within a few hours of live-streaming, it has transformed the nascent of commercial value interaction into impulsive buying behaviour. Despites, the existing knowledge on this is unknown. This research seeks to understand the influence of para social interaction (PSI) in live-streaming shopping affects consumers impulsive buying in live-streaming platforms using the Stimulus Organism Response (SOR). A self-administrative questionnaire survey was conducted, and 335 valid responses are useable. The survey was validated by using Smart PLS technique to conduct direct and mediating effects. The result revealed that the relationships between social commerce, social presence, narrative involvement, parasocial interaction, and impulsive buying behaviour are significant. The parasocial interaction acts as mediation effect between the social factors, and impulsive buying on the live-streaming website. Based on the data analysed, the new proposed framework seems to be shaped very well. Despite the fact that, further extension and integration constructs, this study serves as a new contribution particularly in the live-streaming platforms area of studies.


live-streaming platforms; narrative involvement; para-social interaction

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