Comparison of flow experiencing in elite tennis players and certified project managers: A Czechoslovak study
Vol 9, Issue 5, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 307 (Abstract) 286 (PDF)
The presented research article is focused on the issue of flow experiencing in elite tennis players and certified project managers. The primary goal of the research is to empirically identify whether there is a significant variance in flow experiencing between elite tennis players and certified project managers. To fulfill the goal of the research, a questionnaire survey is used among elite tennis players representing the Czech and Slovak Republics and certified project managers (IPMA, PMI, PRINCE2 certification). The research results showed that there is no significant variance between elite tennis players and certified project managers flow experiencing. This finding is important for the development of managerial skills of project managers who are trying to find the most effective way of using the flow phenomenon to achieve better work performance. After an overall evaluation of both theoretical and our empirical findings, we conclude that phenomenon flow is a dynamic and lively theoretical concept with the potential for further development in areas that are not currently the subject of further research into management use.
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