Body image and its relationship to marital adjustment for a sample of married women after mastectomy
Vol 9, Issue 5, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 718 (Abstract) 412 (PDF)
Women’s suffering after mastectomy presents physical and psychological challenges that require strength and resilience. Women who undergo breast removal, whether for breast cancer or other reasons, experience painful physical effects and changes in self-image. They face physical healing challenges, such as pain and swelling, but the psychological aspect is even more challenging. The study aimed to identify the relationship between body image and marital adjustment for a sample of married women with breast mastectomy. The study sample consisted of 130 married women with breast mastectomy and ranged between 28 and 60 years old. The researcher used two scales, one for body image and the other for marital adjustment. After assuring their psychometric properties, they were applied to the study sample. The results showed a statistically significant positive correlation between body image and marital adjustment. Furthermore, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the arithmetic means of body image and martial adjustment in favor of married women with breast mastectomy two years ago. In light of the results reached, the study recommended several recommendations, perhaps the most prominent of which are to work on breast self-examination since early detection of breast cancer doubles the chances of recovery. Supporting the psychological needs of mastectomies, such as the need for security, love, and self-esteem, and establishing psychological counseling centers in various parts of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to provide all psychological counseling and guidance services for mastectomies.
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