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Embracing green HRM: Propelling organizational sustainability forward

Saloni Devi, Babita Yadav, Divya Goel, Sukhmeet Kaur, Sanjay Bhoyar

Article ID: 2202
Vol 9, Issue 4, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 419 (Abstract) 327 (PDF)


The most crucial resource for any corporation to succeed in the competitive business environment of today is its human capital. The additional responsibility of incorporating green HR ideals into the company’s mission statement along with HR strategies has been assigned to modern HR leaders as a means of accomplishing sustainable environmental goals. In today’s business world, the phrase “green human resource management” (GHRM) has gained popularity, and its significance is expanding in a variety of ways. For obtaining organizational sustainability, the field of “green human resource management” (GHRM) is special since it focuses on energizing eco-friendly implementation and dynamic green transformation. This research aims to ascertain how GHRM affects organizational sustainability. The total 236 staff members of University of Jammu’s staff in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir provided the information. In the study, an AMOS-based structural equation modelling (SEM) strategy was used. Additionally, the fit and validity of the model were assessed using CFA. Further, the outcomes of SEM demonstrated that GHRM and organizational sustainability are directly related. The article thus suggests a few potentially innovative HR benefits for environmentally conscious firms. Human resources also have a significant chance to support the organization’s environmental mission and is crucial in motivating, empowering, and inspiring staff to adopt enticing green business practices.


green HRM; organizations; sustainability; public sector; environmental concerns

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