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Plant purchasers perceptions of mental health and optimism for the future
Melinda J. Knuth
North Carolina State University
Alicia L. Rihn
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Bridget K. Behe
Michigan State University
Charles R. Hall
Texas A&M University, College Station
Keywords: physical health, motivation, plant purchasing, benefits of plants, human-environment interaction
Increasing concern regarding mental health has gripped the world since the COVID-19 Pandemic began. Research has well-documented the benefits plants bring to human life, including improved physical and mental well-being. Improved mental health may be related to physical activity as well as a positive outlook for the future. The objective was to assess the relationship between future consequence concerns and physical activity with mental health. Mental and physical health scales were employed in an online survey on the Qualtrics platform recruiting subjects from the Toluna survey panel. Results show a greater focus on future consequences and physical activity were related to improved mental health. Greater mental health was related to plant expenditures and the number of types of plants purchased. Implications for live plant marketers are that physically active, future-focused individuals are more likely to buy more types of plants and spend money on those plants compared to individuals who are less future-focused and physically active. Imagery including physically active and arguably happy persons may help potential customers better relate to products offered for sale.
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