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An exploratory analysis of gastronomy tourism: The impact of dining attributes on satisfaction among young adult Indian travelers

Anusha Pai, Sanobar Hassan, Dasharathraj K. Shetty, Sandeep S. Shenoy, Shreepathy Ranga Bhatta B., Nikita Panwar, Ankitha Shetty

Article ID: 2226
Vol 9, Issue 4, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 2595 (Abstract) 170 (PDF)


Gastronomy tourism has become increasingly popular recently, drawing tourists looking for distinctive gastronomic experiences. For tourism organizations and destinations to succeed, it is crucial to comprehend the elements that go into client happiness in this area. This study attempts to dive into the thoughts of consumers and reveal how they view the crucial factors that influence their pleasure with gourmet tourism. The goal of this study is to find out what customers think are the most important parts of gastronomy tourism satisfaction based on their recent experiences. The study design is a cross-sectional survey that looks at different points in time. Convenience sampling, which is not based on chance, has been used. This study used a survey sampling technique and was based on the positivist paradigm of research. Method: A quantitative method (n = 300) called "structural equation modelling" was used. The study shows that, out of the five things that were looked at, convenience, creativity, and food quality are the most important for the success of gastronomy tourism. So, some conclusions have been made that will help managers in the tourism industry improve customer happiness. The results of this study could help both academics and people who work in the field. Gastronomy tourism is becoming more popular all over the world, but there are not a lot of scientific studies about it, especially when it comes to Indian tourists. So, this study can add to what is already known about this subject.


gastronomy tourism; hospitality; fine dine; culinary experiences; customer satisfaction

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