The level of depression in parents of children with physiologic immaturity
Vol 9, Issue 4, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 476 (Abstract) 144 (PDF)
Study: The study aimed to identify the actuality of prone depression. At its center is the level of depression, which is what analyzes those who want to have children with physical immaturity, as well as the techniques needed for his issues, seeing him related to a range of issues: what is this physiological immaturity, why there is a need to get accurate information about it, the psychological state of parents with children with physiological immaturity and coping with it, and the impact of children with physiological immaturity on other family members. Purpose: The objectives of the study dealing with depression related to depression were to find gender differences in the level of depression in children with physiological immaturity, for the reason that some of them are those whose targets hypothesized that children with physiological immaturity are at a moderate level” and the second hypothesis: “Women as parents have a higher level of depression than men as parents. Methodology: A sample of 70 participants was independently surveyed, and the measuring instrument was Beck’s inventory for depression as well as demographic data to determine the gender of participants. Before determining the inventory, the parents were explained the purpose of realizing that some of the data that will be obtained will remain anonymous and confidential. The data from the results supports our hypothesis: physiological immaturity is moderate. As well as t-test analysis, it was shown that the female gender has a higher level of depression than the male gender. Results: To derive the results obtained from the paper, we used the t-test analysis, which showed that there are differences between women (between 21.79 + 5.2) and men (between 17.91 + 6.1) in terms of the level of depression. It seems that women showed higher levels of depression (t = –2.844, p = 0.006).
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