Quality of life of seniors living with dementia
Vol 9, Issue 5, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 295 (Abstract) 224 (PDF)
Demographic changes are changing the age structure of the population, and we perceive how the population is aging and the number of people in senior age is increasing. The phenomenon of aging, especially in the context of dementia, is a topic that resonates even in professional society, and thus points to the aspect of the perception of aging of people with dementia in the context of quality of life. Providing care to aging people living with dementia should be aimed at improving the quality of their existence. It is a disease that has a huge impact not only on the person who suffers from the disease, but also on their loved ones, on their surroundings and also on society as a whole. In particular, older seniors living with dementia significantly require a more specific approach and support. The aim of this professional study is to point out the reality of real aspects of the quality of life in the context of dementia and to present here not only general knowledge about dementia, but also research data.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.54517/esp.v9i5.2304
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