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Optimizing organizational success: Matching the right position with the right person

Ameen Alharbi

Article ID: 2306
Vol 9, Issue 5, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 2081 (Abstract) 1038 (PDF)


The purpose of this study is to identify the core capabilities required of Information Technology workers working in IT firms. Personal competencies, technical competencies, job-related competencies, interpersonal competencies, knowledge level competencies, and management competencies were all employed in the study, and they are all linked to IT employees’ performance and help them thrive in their jobs. The existing study is primary in nature and involves retrieval of responses from IT employees through structured questionnaire ranged from 1–5 Likert scale. The sample size of the study is 176 respondents using purposive random sampling techniques. The study ‘s findings imply that in order to get a competitive advantage in the business industry, every individual in the company should be involved in improving productivity and efficiency at work. Similarly, the firm faces a difficult task in retaining people and persuading them to stay current in their fields of expertise or critical performance areas. As a result, competency mapping will aid the organisation in finding the expected skills of each employee in relation to the jobʼs actual skill set. Specific training initiatives to overcome the skill shortfall of IT employees should be taken based on the identified gaps.


competency; information technology; competency mapping; right fit; critical performance; organizational success

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