The significance of women’s cooperatives in promoting the sustainability of local gastronomic products: The case of Bor women’s agricultural development cooperative
Vol 9, Issue 4, 2024, Article identifier:
VIEWS - 336 (Abstract) 195 (PDF)
Women’s cooperatives are organizations that support women in taking an active role in production and economic structure. Local products, on the other hand, are important tourist attraction elements that express the cultural structure specific to a destination. Women’s cooperatives make it possible to use local gastronomic products as sustainable and touristic attractions. It is important to include women in planning within the framework of tourism in order to provide economic returns by using the female workforce effectively and efficiently. In this regard, it is aimed at determining the awareness and views of the Bor women’s cooperative operating in the province of Niğde on the production and marketing of gastronomic products. Secondary data was used as the research method, and the survey technique, one of the quantitative research methods, was applied in the study. As a consequence of the research, it was concluded that the women working in the cooperative supported the production and marketing of local gastronomic products within the context of tourism, and some recommendations have been presented accordingly.
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