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Perceived military to civilian transition-development of conceptual framework and scale for Ex-servicemen

Anirudh Shidganesh, Ram Manohar Singh

Article ID: 2335
Vol 9, Issue 4, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 415 (Abstract) 195 (PDF)


Perceived Military to Civilian Transition is the subjective experience of transition from military institution to the civilian institution due to voluntary or involuntary retirement from military service reflected by changes in vocation, social, health and family domains of life. This study aims to develop a psychometric tool for evaluating Perceived Military to Civilian Transition. Three studies were conducted by cross-sectional surveys (Study 1 N = 25, Study 2 N = 82, Study 3 N = 400) using the purposive snowball sampling among Ex-Servicemen in India. Study 1–16 Items were generated on 5-point rating scale. Study 2-Items were reduced to 9, based on psychometric scrutiny. First order EFA reveals three latent factors reflecting changes in vocation and health (3 items), family (2 items), and social domain (4 items). Second order EFA confirms presence of one higher order factor. Study 3-CFA performed using ULS estimation method for Higher order model provides empirical support for the PMCT scale having adequate model fit Chi.Sq. = 142.29, df = 24, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.98, NFI = 0.98, RFI = 0.97, SRMR = 0.05. The 9-item scale possesses satisfactory internal consistency reliability alpha (Study 2 = 0.80, Study 3 = 0.77) and composite reliability omega (Study 2 = 0.79, Study3 = 0.77). This paper contributes a reliable and valid psychometric tool for measuring Perceived Military to Civilian Transition for Indian Ex-servicemen.


military to civilian transition; military retirement; ex-servicemen; veterans; scale development; Indian ex-servicemen

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