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Verbal and non-verbal communication patterns of persuasive selling among live online sellers

Jhordan T. Cuilan, Jason V. Chavez, Kristel Joy G. Soliva, Shania H. Jaafar, Kaiser Isham S. Savellon, Edwin M. Tantalie, Salman E. Albani

Article ID: 2519
Vol 9, Issue 8, 2024, Article identifier:

VIEWS - 842 (Abstract) 395 (PDF)


This article studies the verbal and non-verbal communication patterns of persuasive selling among live online sellers in Zamboanga City. The success of businesses can depend on the communication strategies use by entrepreneurs in the online platforms particularly the online live sellers. Live online sellers use both verbal and non-verbal communication to effectively persuade their audience. Verbal communication involves language, tone, and speech patterns, while non-verbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact. Using purposive sampling method, this study found important findings through the lens of 20 online entrepreneurs doing online live selling. The thematic analysis shows that these online sellers use storytelling, emotional appeals, and testimonials to engage their audience and build trust. Active listening skills help tailor their pitches to customer needs. Non-verbal communication, such as confident postures, eye contact, and hand gestures, is crucial for establishing credibility and connecting with their audience. Mastering these techniques can help persuade potential customers and increase sales in the competitive e-commerce market. Understanding these communication patterns is essential for aspiring entrepreneurs in the digital marketplace. Recommendation for future research and tips to existing and aspiring online sellers are discussed.


live sellers; entrepreneurs; audiences; language; understanding; persuasive selling; communication

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Copyright (c) 2024 Jhordan T. Cuilan, Jason V. Chavez, Kristel Joy G. Soliva, Shania H. Jaafar, Kaiser Isham S. Savellon, Edwin M. Tantalie, Salman E. Albani

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